106-year-old Dallas woman paints the town with joy


DALLAS — The subject of our story knows a lot about painting, but very little about the secret to longevity.

It’s shocking because Leta Touchstone is 106.

Born in 1918 in Noodle, Texas, Touchstone grew up barrel racing, later got married and raised two kids, and then fell in love with painting.

After moving to Dallas in the 1980s, she set art aside, but a few years ago she picked it up again and hasn’t stopped.

Her daughter, Christi Harris Speer, says Touchstone’s love for painting keeps going and going and going.

“I think there may be 900,” Harris-Speer said, referencing how many paintings may be on walls and in closets at Touchstone’s home.

Touchstone has never sold a single piece. She paints because she loves it and she’s able to.

“Mrs. Leta Touchstone is one of those special ones, too,” said Touchstone’s doctor and Texas Health cardiologist Dr. Tulika Jain. “You’d probably be surprised to know she’s 106 years old.”

Aside from medication for an irregular heartbeat, Touchstone has never had any major health issues, which she attributes to juicing, sleeping, praying, and painting.

Whether by brush or blush, touchstone creates joy.

“A little powder and paint will make a girl what she ain’t,” she said. “I love to laugh. I don’t want to, waaah, waaah, waaah,” she said while making a crying motion. “I don’t want any of that. I love to laugh.”

Perhaps that’s the secret to a long and healthy life.

“Yeah, I bet that’s it,” Touchstone said. “That’s it.”

Because life should be colorful.


About the author: TSPAN Publisher
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