4.9 magnitude earthquake near Snyder, Tx


WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) – A 4.9 magnitude earthquake was detected 17 kilometers northeast of Hermleigh, Texas, at 10:38 p.m. on Monday night. A second smaller earthquake, 4.4 magnitude, was registered just seven seconds later in the same spot.

Both quakes were confirmed by the United States Geological Survey.

Multiple calls came into the News Channel 6 newsroom from Texomans who felt the tremors. Many people reported on social media feeling their houses shake. Reports came in from all over north Texas, southern Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

Some reports show the quakes being felt as far away as Austin, nearly 300 miles away.

There have been no reports of damage as of yet. Stick with News Channel 6 as this story develops.