Child battling leukemia has positive outlook on life despite losing both parents

SAN ANTONIO – In the U.S., someone is diagnosed with blood cancer approximately every three minutes.

It’s why San Antonio lit up the night last Saturday and raised over $1.2 million for research and to help people battling those cancers.

“Peppa Pig figurines,” Emerie Servantes said when we asked what she wanted for her fifth birthday in December.

“They’re going to have a petting zoo,” Emerie’s grandma Linda Servantes said. “They’re going to have a chocolate thing for the strawberries, right? Marshmallows.”

The party is also to celebrate her remission. Emerie is cancer-free after battling leukemia for two years now.

“You still have to go for another two years for more stuff and checkups and stuff. But that would be great if she just stays healthy ’til December 17th so we can make it,” Linda said.

Linda didn’t plan the party, Emerie’s dad did that.

“Her daddy is Johnny Ray Servantes, and her mom is Jessica Brill,” Linda said.

Neither will be there to celebrate their baby girl.

“She lost her mom on March 27, 2022. A drunk driver killed her on the South Side. And so she just had Daddy left, right. And then now Daddy got cancer,” she said.

Johnny died September 29th, just 21 days after his diagnosis. His heart gave out before his treatments could start.

“It hurts so bad. I expect him to come through the door and pick her up to take her and he’s not coming,” Linda said.

Emerie is still too young to understand fully.

“Where’s Mommy and daddy?” Linda asked Emerie.

“With Jesus,” Emerie responded.

“With Jesus. They’re in Heaven, right? They’re together,” Linda said.

Linda keeps the photos of Emerie’s mom and dad ready, along with stories about how much they loved her.

“Superman,” Emerie said pointing at a picture of her and her dad.

“That’s her dad’s favorite, Superman,” Linda explained.

She’s thankful Johnny taught her how to care for her granddaughter’s cancer before he passed.

“I’m really thankful that my son kind of gave me everything I needed before he left,” Linda said.

There are a few nonprofits helping Linda as she takes care of Emerie. Gabriella’s Smile Foundation is one of them here in San Antonio.

Before her dad died, Johnny wanted to take Emerie to Disney World, now One Campaign At A Time is trying to make that happen with a fundraiser of their own.