Toy drives hope to bring joy to Uvalde children this holiday season

UVALDE – It’s a somber holiday season in Uvalde.

Thanksgiving marked six months since the Robb tragedy, and Christmas Eve will mark seven months.

One beloved Christmas tradition includes writing letters to Santa for toys and clothes.

But for kids in Uvalde who survived the Robb Elementary shooting, they’re asking for more. Jaydien Canizales wants cameras around his home so he can feel safe again.

Tonight on the #Nightbeat we’re showing you how people across the country are supporting the survivors of the Robb Elementary shooting this Christmas with wish lists for Santa. On @ksatnews‘ website we’ll have links where you can help fulfill these children’s wishes

— Leigh Waldman (@LeighWaldman)

November 29, 2022

“It’s funny because a lot of them are asking for things with their family, which I think is so sweet,” Tara Wyzik with Luna Liaisons said.

Wyzik with the advocacy group Luna Liaisons is working to help Santa make the Christmas wishes of the Robb survivors and their siblings come true.

Her organization put together a wish list after talking to the 11 survivors from rooms 111 and 112.

“You can see the moments of happiness that come through in that sort of what we’re trying to get is maybe more of these moments,” Wyzik said.

She is offering this help all the way in Washington D.C. where she met families of the victims in June.

Kindness knows no geographical bounds, 16-year-old Sammie Magee from Kansas is collecting toys for her Girl Scout Gold Award Project.

“My ultimate goal is to just put some smiles on some children’s faces because I know after what they saw, they’ll never be the same again,” Magee said.

So far, Magee has collected over 200 toys from people across the country, her goal is to double that and spread as much joy as she can.

“I am so thankful. Just every trip to the post office, it was just so emotional knowing that people are wanting to help my project to help these kids,” Magee said.

Magee hopes to travel to Uvalde in order to hand deliver the boxes of gifts she is able to collect.

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