Dr. Fauci: ‘Level of Vitriol’ During Hearings Was ‘Quite Unfortunate.’ Really, Doc?


The chutzpah of this guy! 

Late on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on CNN’s The Source with Kaitlan Collins, to talk about the “level of vitriol” in the Congressional hearings being undertaken by the House of Representatives Oversight Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, before whom Dr. Fauci testified on Monday.


Dr. Fauci said:

I’ve testified literally hundreds of times over the last forty years in front of Congress and there’s always been differences of opinions, differences of ideology, criticisms and things like that. But the level of vitriol that we see now just in the country in general, but just played out during this hearing, was really quite unfortunate, because the purpose of hearings is to try to figure out how we can do better, so that we can, next time, if and when we are faced with a pandemic, we’d be better prepared, and we could benefit if mistakes were made, we could identify them, and we try to correct them for the future.

Wow. Just… wow. What a load of steaming, odoriferous output of the digestive process in the male bovine.

Look, here are some things we know from these hearings; here at RedState our coverage has been pretty constant, but to sum up, yes, Dr. Fauci testified, and he also tossed some of his staff members under the proverbial bus.


Previously on RedState: WATCH: Anthony Fauci Testifies Before House Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic 

UNDER THE BUS: Fauci Says His Advisor’s Attempt to Evade COVID FOIAs Was Wrong, Violates Policy

We also know that there will likely be little or no accountability for this cluster foul-up, even though some states have grand juries looking into it.

Also Previously on RedState: Fauci Hearing: The Accountability That Will Never Come 

Florida Grand Jury Releases Interim Report on COVID Wrongdoing

Thanks, Doc: Fauci and Dems Signal Shift in COVID Messaging at Congressional Hearing

But the statement above, with Anthony Fauci complaining of vitriol, that’s just a bridge too far. Were I to reply to Dr. Fauci, in that Congressional hearing, on CNN, or anywhere else (and I guess I am, right here) I would say this:

Dr. Fauci, what about the level of horse squeeze we endured from you people’s panic-mongering for over a year? What about the education of our kids, when between your COVID mandates and the teachers’ union’s official policy of “we don’t want to go back to work” you messed up schooling for months upon months? What about the trillions that were added to the national debt in the name of COVID-19 emergency spending? 


Most of all, what about your staff’s conspiring to hide information from the American people? What about that, Dr. Fauci?

What’s really amazing about all this is that the level of “vitriol,” as Dr. Fauci puts it, is as low as it is. It’s rather amazing that there aren’t more howls of outrage over what we now clearly see are ill-considered actions that stole months from all our lives, when on the Word of Fauci, government officials tried to keep us in our homes, tried to prevent travel, and essentially rolled up the Constitution and dropped in in a deep, dark hole.

Dr. Fauci may bemoan the “vitriol” he faced in a Congressional hearing. But whatever anger the American people are expressing over this debacle is not enough, and as Dr. Fauci admits in this CNN interview, sooner or later, they will try it again.