June Wrap-Up From the LA Times: ‘Queerist Century,’ Air Force Pride Patches and a WWE Fake Women Wrestler


As the month of June closes, and “June gloom” wanes, so does the “Pridiest” month of all. If you haven’t noticed, the closer we get to July 1st, the bigger the effort there is to cram as much “pride” down our throats as humanly possible.

On Monday morning, the Los Angeles Times advertised a “special edition” spread. It’s called “Our Queerest Century.” It highlights “trailblazers” like Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey’s flawed research was the basis for the often-repeated lie that 10 percent of the population was gay. Pro Tip — it’s not. Kinsey also sought out and used data from sexual predators and pedophiles, one being a Nazi. Kinsey corresponded with one pedophile for years, telling him he wanted to hear more of his sexual exploits. The LA Times celebrates his “research.” All the Los Angeles people the LA Times interviewed claimed “They” pronouns. One identifies as a “28pritt.”

If you want to order the “special edition,” it will set you back $10. 

In South Korea, meanwhile, an Air Force Commander authorized a “pride patch” to be worn on Air Force personnel uniforms.

“A May 20 memo from 51st Fighter Wing commander Col. William McKibban approved the “Osan+” patch on Fridays and at special events. The patch’s circular design features the Progress rainbow flag at the center bordered by a black ring with “Osan+” on top and “Osan Air Base ROK” at the bottom. ROK is the acronym for Republic of Korea, the formal name for South Korea. “The Osan+ patch is the approved morale patch in honor of Pride month, which takes place in June,” wing spokeswoman Capt. Michelle Chang told Stars and Stripes by email Thursday. “The patch represents the advancement of the Air Force’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, dignity, and respect within the mission.” 

If you want the patch, it will cost you another $10. 

 A WWE wrestler who apparently couldn’t manage to win in a choreographed fake sport and retired after four years of losing has returned to fake wrestling as a fake woman. His name was Tyler Reks. Now he goes by the name of Gabbi Tuft. He claims to be a she. Here he is in a before and after:


According to an MSN wrestling reporter:

Now, because Tuft is transgender, not everyone will be happy. We are seeing the United States divided on transgender athletes. Both sides have valid points. Although, pro wrestling is so unique. It is does matter if the person is gay, straight, transgender or has no legs and arms. Wrestling fans usually do not care as they could watch a woman, with no legs, submit a man, with no arms, and they would still get a round of applause. So, any interest in seeing transgender wrestler Gabbi Tuft make her return?

Huh, what? If you got an instant headache trying to make sense of that paragraph, you are not alone. I think the point this guy (I think he’s a guy) was trying to make is that wrestling fans are fans of nonsense. Fake nonsense. Fake theater, and they will welcome a fake woman to the fake sport of Atomic Skull Crushing Slamathons.

I assume Tuft isn’t going to be stepping into the ring to wrestle men. He wasn’t any good at that ten years ago, so now that he’s a fake girl, it makes sense to tuck it and fake it against actual women.