More Horror in Jocelyn Nonragay Murder Case: Sexual Assault ‘Likely’


Many of us were afraid this would be the case, which doesn’t make it any less horrendous: Now a Texas District Attorney who is prosecuting the murder case of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray has stated that a sexual assault “likely happened.”


Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg made the admission Tuesday on ‘America’s Newsroom’ as one of the illegal immigrant suspects in the case, 22-year-old Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, is set to appear in court this morning. His co-defendant Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, had his bail set at $10 million on Monday. 

“The evidence is clear that a sexual assault likely happened. But since neither defendant has actually admitted that, circumstantial evidence will have to prove it,” Ogg said. “We are waiting on lab tests now to see if the capital murder charge can be upgraded to one where they are death penalty eligible.” 

Peña Ramos has admitted to kissing Nungaray and has told prosecutors that Martinez-Rangel was even more physically aggressive, according to Fox News Correspondent Nate Foy.

These monsters attacked a child. A 12-year-old girl. The linked article has photos of Jocelyn Nungaray, and they speak eloquently; this was a little girl, a happy, vibrant, healthy, child, lured away, attacked, and murdered by two men who have, in the process, abdicated their humanity.

Previously on RedState: More Biden Border Tragedy: Venezuelan Illegal Immigrants Murder 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

‘Monsters’: Bail Set at $10M for Illegal Immigrant Who Allegedly Murdered 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray


The more details of this incident come to life, the more horrifying it is.

“The case is horrific. Jocelyn’s last moments were unspeakable,” Ogg told ‘America’s Newsroom’. “She endured assault for multiple hours. This was a little girl who slipped out of her house to call her boyfriend, a 13-year-old, was seen by two immigrants who had been drinking all afternoon, they picked her up probably asking for directions and she was innocent. She walked off with them. We see footage from local stores that show they lured her under a bridge near a Houston bayou where they attacked her, strangled her and dragged her body into the water.” 

Ogg said Tuesday that the suspects were captured in a “tale of good citizenship and fear.” They both entered the country illegally before being released from custody and later allegedly committing the murder.

Being a father of four daughters, and the grandfather of six, I can scarcely imagine what the Nungaray family is going through. Every parent’s worst nightmare has been visited upon them, by two savages who never should have been in the country in the first place. As the story states, both of the suspects entered the country illegally. They were taken into custody and, instead of being lofted back across the border by the simple expedient of a Border Patrol boot to their rear ends, they were released into the United States. 


No doubt unscreened, unvetted, likely given a notice to appear months or years in the future, and released into the United States, where they assaulted and murdered a child.

A child. This is intolerable. 

It’s inconceivable that anyone, voter or politician, law enforcement or activist, can countenance continuing the utter failure of the Biden administration to do anything about the southern border. This is the administration that insists that border enforcement is the rightful role of the federal government, and yet they only now, with an election looming, seem willing to take any action.

Jocelyn Nungaray’s death must be answered for. Evil – and this was, make no mistake, the act of evil, evil men – must be answered for. Justice must be done. And the horrendous mess at our southern border must be resolved.