Poll: Texas Latinos overwhelmingly plan to vote for Colin Allred over Ted Cruz


click to enlarge A new poll shows U.S. Rep. Colin Allred (left) leading U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz among Texas Latinos. - Courtesy Photos / U.S. House (left) and U.S. Senate (right)

Courtesy Photos / U.S. House (left) and U.S. Senate (right)

A new poll shows U.S. Rep. Colin Allred (left) leading U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz among Texas Latinos.

Despite U.S. Sen. Ted Cruzdropping $4.4 millionto woo Texas Latinos — the state’s second-largest voting block — they overwhelmingly favor U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, Cruz’s Democratic challenger, a new poll shows.

Indeed, Allred — an NFL linebacker-turned-congressman — holds a 20-point lead over the Republican incumbent among Texas Latinos, according to the 2024 UnidosUS Voter Poll. Some 51% of Texas Latinos said they plan to vote for Allred, while 31% favor Cruz. Another 18% remain undecided.

What’s more, the survey found that Allred was polling exceptionally well among Latinos in the Rio Grande Valley, an area where the Republican Party has recently tried to make inroads.

UnidosUS, one of the nation’s largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization, had a sample size of 400 for the survey.

The poll comes days after a University of Houston/Texas Southern showed Cruz leading Allred by just 2 points, a number within the margin of error.

Axios reports that Cruz’s campaign’s war chest targeted to Latino voters has largely gone to toward Spanish-language media ads. The campaign described ad buy as the senator’s “largest investment in the Hispanic community.”

“It has long been said that Hispanics are Republican; they just don’t know it yet, which is why Senator Cruz is committed to ensuring that every Hispanic household hears his message loud and clear,” Cruz campaign spokesperson Macarena Martinez told Axios.

The top issue for Texas Latino voters is the economy, according to UnidosUS’s latest poll. The majority identified inflation and jobs as their biggest problems.

Other top issues among the demographic include immigration, healthcare and abortion. According to the poll, 65% of Texas Latinos said they believe making abortion illegal is wrong; that number rises to 72% among Latino voters in the Rio Grande Valley.

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