San Antonio business leader Pat Frost discusses future of rodeo, Frost Bank Center amid Spurs’ Project Marvel plans


SAN ANTONIO – The Spurs are making plans to potentially move out of the Frost Bank Center, which has raised many questions about the future of the arena and the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo.

KSAT’s RJ Marquez spoke with Pat Frost about what lies ahead for the annual rodeo and East Side arena. Frost is one of San Antonio’s most prominent civic and business leaders. He is the president of this year’s San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.

“There’s no doubt that in my 15 years I’ve been on the executive committee, that I’ve seen us grow the grounds,” Frost said. “As we get 18,000 children involved in activities, and at the end, $12 million raised for those those children and others throughout Texas.”

However, with Project Marvel on the horizon, Frost said the rodeo is also looking ahead to its future. Should the Spurs leave, it would be the primary tenant for the grounds and arena.

“It all makes sense to (know) why the Spurs are going to move downtown, and we feel like it’s going to give us an opportunity to expand our activities,” Frost said. “Please know that’s not like the 18 days that we have out there. Not a million and a half people in 18 days, more smaller events and events that people around the state actually compete.”

In order to make the grounds still attractive, Frost said the arena must continue to be a first-class and viable venue.

“We want to make sure that building stays up to date because the 22 performances we (are) doing in February, we want it to be as first class as it is today, thanks to the Spurs,” Frost said.

“Those events that are in Freeman can move over there and that will help be able to keep that building in good shape,” said Frost. “Our idea is to take early February, January, maybe have some big country music acts where we fill it up with 16,000 seats to warm people up for the rodeo that’s coming.”

Frost added the arena could be in play for the popular PBR series, “Professional Bull Riding, that’s a league that goes to venues all around the country that we don’t have in San Antonio,” he said.

Frost said he believes the arena and grounds can be used for high-profile events at least nine months out of the year, even if the Spurs ultimately find a new home.

“Children and adults competing in agricultural events, and they end up staying overnight for, say, a weekend. That means they’re going to stay in hotels, are going to eat in our restaurants,” he said.

Frost said that while the rodeo is not responsible for development near the East Side arena, he believes its plans can spur more economic growth.

“What our proposal is to the county is we’ll bring people there. These folks are going to want nearby hotels and restaurants. Once people are there nine months in the year, I think the real estate developers are going to be able to come in and say, okay, that’s what makes more sense. Bring the people, and then the businesses will come.”

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