Daylight saving time is starting soon: Here’s which states want to make it permanent


Is it time to stop changing our clocks twice a year? Here’s a state-by-state look at efforts to make daylight saving time permanent.

WASHINGTON — In just a few days, millions of Americans will lose an hour of sleep as daylight saving time begins.

Starting Sunday, Mar. 9, clocks around the U.S. will “spring forward” an hour at 2 a.m.

While most states follow this biannual clock change, Arizona and Hawaii are the only two that don’t observe daylight saving time and refuse to roll their clock forward and backward each year. The two states are outliers in comparison to the rest of the U.S., relying on a loophole in the 59-year-old federal law that requires states to stay on daylight saving time. 

That’s right, Congress decides if we can have that extra hour of sleep. 

The Uniform Time Act of 1966 mandates that the country use daylight saving time, but it allows states to opt out and exempt themselves from the practice of staying on standard time year-round. It does not allow states to permanently establish daylight saving time, which would keep them an hour ahead from November to March while other states switch to standard time.

Many states have passed measures to stay on daylight saving time permanently — a move that some have called “lock the clock.” For some states, they’re willing to go forward with it as long as a few of their neighbors do the same.

In the last six years, 20 states have passed legislation or resolutions supporting year-round daylight saving time, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In 2024, at least 30 states considered or are still considering legislation related to daylight saving time. 

There’s even been a suggestion that some states leave the Eastern time zone entirely and adopt a new one used by parts of Canada and a couple U.S. territories. Other efforts aim to keep states in standard time year-round, avoiding the pesky time change twice a year.

However, none of those bills or laws aiming to make daylight saving time permanent can take effect until there is a federal repeal of the congressional act. In essence, Congress needs to change the law in order for the U.S. to stop using daylight saving time.

There have been efforts on the congressional level to make this change.

For the past few years, then-Senator Marco Rubio, now the head of the State Department, had introduced a version of what he calls the “Sunshine Protection Act,” which would permanently establish daylight saving time for the whole country. The bills, however, always died before they ever came close to becoming law. 

Back in 2022, the U.S. Senate passed a version of that bill but it was never voted on by the House of Representatives. 

In early January, Florida Sen. Rick Scott reintroduced the measure into Congress.

President Donald Trump has also expressed interest in ending the biannual practice in a social media post in December, pushing for eliminating daylight saving time. 

Here is where each state stands in the effort to move to daylight saving time all year long, though Congress would need to act before states that have enacted laws can make the change.


In May 2021, Alabama passed an act that would have the state permanently observe daylight saving time. That bill is still waiting for a federal repeal of the Uniform Time Act of 1966 to take effect.


For the last couple of years, Alaska has introduced a bill to recognize daylight saving year-round if Congress makes the move by 2031. The bill never really makes it out of committee. 

In 2025, Rep. Jamie Allard introduced House Bill 41, and it is awaiting action from the House State Affairs Committee.

Allard’s bill would have made the state exempt from daylight saving time until Congress allowed for it to be year-round. If it were to pass, Alaska would stay on standard time throughout the year without changing its clock bi-annually. 

A senate bill was also introduced into the 2025 session. Unlike the House bills, this measure would exempt the state from daylight saving time. 

Even if it did pass, Alaska might not see the benefits other states could from ending daylight saving time. According to Alaska Public Media, it could make winters darker in the northernmost U.S. state. 

“Nome would have a sunrise after 1 p.m.,” Brian Brettschneider, a climatologist in Anchorage, told APM. 


Arizona is one of the more well-known examples of states not following daylight saving time. Instead, the state observes Mountain Standard Time year-round. But the Navajo Nation, which is partially in Arizona, does observe DST.

That means from March to November every year, the Navajo Nation is an hour ahead of the rest of the state of Arizona. 


In Dec. 2022, State Rep. Johnny Rye introduced a bill to the Arkansas House which would adopt year-round DST. But on Jan. 9, 2023, he withdrew the bill and recommended its effects be studied by a committee on governmental affairs. 

Rye tried to pass a similar bill in 2020. That bill passed the House 71-24 and made it to the Senate Committee of State Agencies and Government Affairs, but it failed to pass during the legislative session. 

In March 2023, State Rep. Stephen Meeks introduced a bill to the Arkansas House to adopt standard time year-round, eliminating daylight saving time. The effort failed but was reintroduced in late 2024 and is awaiting committee action. 


In 2018, voters approved a proposition allowing the state legislature to pass legislation that would put California on permanent DST. Several legislators, most recently California Assemblymember Steven Choi, have attempted to pass such a bill. But each time, the legislation has either been pulled or has died in committee. 

In early 2024, California Assemblyman Tri Ta and Senator Roger Niello introduced legislation to observe standard time year-round. Both measures failed.

Two new measures were filed in 2025, aiming to eliminate daylight saving time in the state. 


Colorado is another state waiting on the federal government to enact permanent DST. In 2022, after years of failed attempts, the Colorado General Assembly passed a bipartisan bill that would make daylight saving permanent once the Uniform Time Act of 1966 is repealed or if four other Mountain Standard Time Zone states also enacted legislation making daylight saving time permanent.


Two bills in 2021 were introduced into the state legislature, both of which would have had Connecticut adopt Atlantic Standard Time (AST), dropping DST similarly to Arizona or Hawaii. But neither bill made it to a vote, leaving any time-related legislation in limbo. 

Atlantic Standard Time, which is used in the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, is one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

There were similar efforts in 2023, but all bills failed.


In 2019, Delaware passed a bill for the state to permanently remain on daylight saving time, but it was contingent on Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland doing the same. 

As with other bills of this nature, it would also depend on congressional action allowing states to permanently adopt DST. 


Florida became the first state to pass a resolution to observe daylight saving time year-round, passing the legislation in 2018. If Congress repeals the Uniform Time Act of 1966, it would go into effect immediately. 


In 2021, Georgia’s legislature passed a permanent daylight saving time law that was signed by Gov. Brian Kemp.

Congress must repeal the Uniform Time Act of 1966 for Georgia’s bill to take effect

Despite a passed measure on permanent daylight saving time, State Rep. Dale Washburn introduced a bill in 2024 to move Georgia to standard time year-round. 

The measure, House Bill 870, died in committee. 


Hawaii, like Arizona, doesn’t observe daylight saving time. Federal law permits states to opt out of daylight saving but does not allow them to observe it year-round. 

In 2011, a bill was introduced to the Hawaii House that would have the state opt-in, but it never passed. 


Idaho is a complicated case because it is divided among two time zones (Pacific Time for the northern half of the state and Mountain Time for the south). In 2020, the Idaho legislature passed a measure which would make DST permanent in the northern half of the state — but not the southern half — if the state of Washington also makes the permanent switch. 

In 2025, a new measure was introduced into the Idaho legislature to rid the state of daylight saving time altogether. House Bill 140 was sent to the House State Affairs Committee in early February.


The Iowa legislature introduced two bills in 2025 that would make daylight saving time permanent. House Bill 6 and Senate Bill 90 are both pending. 

But even if HB6 and SB90 were to pass those wouldn’t take effect until there’s federal approval.


One bill introduced into the Illinois House of Representatives seeks to make daylight saving time year-round. Senate Bill 1600 was filed in early January 2025 and has been assigned a committee.

Other measures aiming to make daylight saving time permanent include House Bill 39, House Bill 1400 and House Resolution 128. 


Indiana is another state split between two time zones. While the majority of counties in Indiana are in the Eastern time zone, 18 counties in the northwest and southwest parts of the state are in the Central time zone. 

A bill exempting Indiana from daylight saving time was introduced into the Indiana General Assembly for the 2024 session, but died in committee. 

A new bill was introduced into the Indiana House in 2025 and is awaiting action from a committee. 


Kansas state Sen. Kenny Titus introduced a bill in January 2025 to exempt the state from daylight saving time but provide for moving to DST year-round if Congress makes the change. 

The last time Kansas lawmakers put forward a daylight saving time bill was in 2019. That bill would have kept the state off of DST, but it died in 2020. If it had passed, that bill would have taken effect without congressional approval, because states are able to stop using DST, but aren’t able to adopt it permanently without congressional action. 

Kansas lawmakers have also proposed moving to daylight saving time year-round, but those proposals have failed to get a voted by the state legislature.


In 2023, a measure was introduced in the Kentucky House to make DST permanent if the Uniform Time Act of 1966 or the Standard Time Act of 1918 are amended by Congress to allow year-round daylight saving time. However, the bill failed to become law.

Earlier this year, a converse measure was introduced that would have made the state use standard time throughout the year. House Bill 308would be effective Oct. 31, 2025 if enacted.


House Bill 132, making daylight saving time permanent in Louisiana, was signed into law in 2020. Like other permanent DST laws across the nation, it cannot go into effect while Congress keeps the Uniform Time Act of 1966 in place.


In 2019, Maine enacted a law to stay on Eastern Daylight Time all year long, but only if Congress acts to allow it. In 2021, Maine commissioned a study on the topic.

In 2025, Maine introduced a bill that would establish Eastern Standard Time year-round. 


House Bill 165 sought to make DST permanent year-round but ultimately died in the House in 2023. A similar bill was reintroduced in early 2025. 

Maryland has had similar efforts before but they have never been able to become law. Maryland House Bill 1013, which would have done away with DST for the state, passed the House in 2021, but stalled in a Senate committee. A separate but similar Senate bill, SB 840, was also introduced in 2021 and ended up stalled in the same committee.


Massachusetts introduced a pair of concurrent bills in the House and the Senate in 2023, which would repeal DST and put the state exclusively on Atlantic Standard Time. 

The measures were reintroduced in late August as House Bill 4994, it is currently pending in the state legislature. The revamped bill would authorize the oversight committee to launch a study on proposed change. 


A 2023 bill, which got as far as being referred to a committee in the Michigan Senate, would have adopted daylight saving time year-round as long as Congress allowed the switch. 

Michigan’s House of Representatives passed a bill in April 2021 to move to year-round daylight saving time as long as Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania also made the switch. The Michigan bill was sent to the Senate, where it died in committee.


A pair of bills in the Minnesota House and Senate were introduced in 2023, according to the NCSL. The bills would have recognized federal standard time year-round beginning in 2024, however the measures died in committee.

The Minnesota legislature approved a plan in 2021 to permanently observe daylight saving time, pending congressional approval. 


Mississippi lawmakers passed legislation in 2021 for year-round daylight saving time, pending congressional approval.


In 2021, lawmakers in Missouri proposed a bill that would permanently put the state at daylight saving time, if three of eight bordering states follow suit. The Missouri House approved the plan, but the state Senate failed to vote on the measure before the session ended.

In 2023, there were two House bills under consideration that would make DST permanent. House Bill 157 and House Bill 265 both failed to become law. 

A recent measure in 2025 was introduced into Missouri’s House of Representatives aiming to move the state to standard time year-round unless Congress allows for daylight saving time to be permanent. it would have made it so daylight saving time was the year-round if Congress allowed the change.


A bill in the Montana House attempted to create state standard time, declaring the Montana exempt from daylight saving time. However, the bill failed to become law. 

Montana passed and signed into law in May 2021 a measure to keep the state in daylight saving time year-round if Congress or the U.S. Department of Transportation approves. Three of these states must also go on full-year daylight saving first: Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah or Wyoming. 


A bill was considered in the Nebraska legislature in 2023 that would have moved the state to daylight saving time year-round if three neighboring states also made the move. Wyoming and Colorado already have such legislation in place. 

Two new measures in 2025 were filed in relation to daylight saving time. 

Legislature Bill 34, filed by Sen. Megan Hunt, aims to make daylight saving time year-round. Conversely, Legislature Bill 302 would exempt the state from the time change and make standard time year-round.


In 2021, a bill was introduced that would have directed the state to adopt either Pacific Daylight Time or Pacific Standard Time year-round — depending on what California does — to keep time zones standardized throughout the region. But the bill died before a vote. 

In early February 2025, a new measure filed in the Nevada Senate and Assembly aims to exempt the state from daylight saving time and force standard time year-round.

New Hampshire

In 2024, a New Hampshire lawmaker filed a bill that would move the state to Atlantic Standard Time permanently— if Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts do the same. The effort died in chamber.

A similar measure was introduced into New Hampshire’s legislature in 2023. House Bill 1679 would exempt the state from daylight saving time if Maine and Massachusetts also repeal DST. The effort died in chamber.

New Jersey

New Jersey lawmakers introduced two new measures that would make daylight saving time permanent in the state if Congress gives its approval. 

An additional bill filed in the Senate aims to put the state on standard time year-round.

New Mexico

A pair of New Mexico state senators put forward a bill in the 2023 legislative session that would exempt the state from daylight saving time like Arizona or Hawaii. But the bill ultimately failed in the Senate.

New York

New York lawmakers have recently introduced several measures into the senate and state assembly regarding daylight saving time. The efforts range from making DST permanent year-round to eliminating it all together. All bills are still pending. 

North Carolina

The North Carolina House passed an effort in early 2023 to adopt DST year-round if authorized by Congress, but the measure died in committee. 

A sister bill in the North Carolina Senate filed in February 2025 seeks to adopt daylight saving time year-round in the state. 

North Dakota

The most recent attempt to pass a permanent DST bill in North Dakota was killed in 2021, when the legislature voted it down. 

The bill would have taken effect if Minnesota, Montana and South Dakota adopted similar measures.  

According to Prairie Public Broadcasting, the bill’s main sponsor didn’t like the amendment requiring those other three states to be on board first, although Montana and Minnesota have passed bills to make the change. 


Ohio State Sen. Kyle Koehler filed a resolution on Feb. 10, 2025, urging Congress to make daylight saving time permanent year-round. It is still pending. 

Ohio State Rep. Rodney Creech introduced a similar resolution in 2023. The bill was adopted by the House and sent over to the Senate but never made it out of committee. 

Creech filed a similar bill in 2021, where it passed the House but died in the Senate. 


Oklahoma introduced an array of bills regarding daylight saving time, ranging from keeping it all-year round to eliminating it all together. 

In April 2024, the Oklahoma governor signed a bill to “lock the clock” and permanently use daylight saving time year-round. The bill would still require Congress to allow the time change before taking effect. 

The efforts to establish standard time year-round failed to pass as they died in committee.


In 2024, Oregon lawmakers introduced a bill into the Senate that would have kept the state on permanent standard time, if Washington and California adopted to do the same. While the Oregon Senate narrowly approved Senate Bill 1548 on a 16-14 vote, the bill failed to pass as law.

Senate Bill 5666, filed in early 2025, seeks to abolish one-hour change in time from standard time to daylight saving time and keep the state in standard time for all 12 months of the year, except in a portion of Oregon that adheres to Mountain Time Zone. This law would only go into effect if California and Washington do the same within 10 years.


The Pennsylvania House introduced a new measure in 2025 to make daylight saving time permanent if Congress authorized the change. 

Conversely, a bill aiming to ditch daylight saving time altogether and make standard time permanent was also introduced in January 2025. 

For the 2023 session, State Sen. Scott Martin started a resolution urging the federal government to repeal the Uniform Time Act of 1966, allowing states to choose for themselves which time procedure to follow. The bill failed awaiting action. 

Other bills filed in 2023 looked to abolish daylight saving time, change the state to Atlantic Standard Time and to observe daylight saving time year-round. Those efforts also failed to get traction. 

Rhode Island

Rhode Island’s state legislature does not appear to have any current bills related to daylight saving time.

In previous years, the state has floated the idea of joining the Atlantic Standard Time zone similar to proposals in Connecticut and New Hampshire. But those proposals have not made much headway.

South Carolina

South Carolina passed a bill in 2020 to make daylight saving time permanent, but it won’t take effect unless there is approval by Congress. 

A bill was filed in 2025 to exempt the state from daylight saving time. 

South Dakota

In 2024 a bill was introduced to the South Dakota State Legislature to make daylight saving time permanent if Congress makes the change. House Bill 1009 died in chamber without much progress.


In 2019, Tennessee implemented a law mandating statewide observance of daylight saving time year-round. Although without Congress changing the law, the state law has no effect.

In 2023, there were measures filed to exempt the state from observing daylight saving time if surrounding states exempt themselves. TheHouse measurefailed while in committee.


Texas lawmakers have recently introduced several measures into the senate and state assembly regarding daylight saving time. The efforts range from making DST permanent year-round to eliminating it all together. All bills are still pending as of February 2025.

Other lawmakers proposed having voters decide if the state should follow daylight saving time or stay in standard time year-round. However,that planhas yet to receive a vote in either legislative chamber. 


Signed into law in 2020, Utah’s move to permanent daylight saving time is contingent on congressional approval and at least four other western states also making the move. These can include Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington or Wyoming. 


Vermont lawmakers attempted to make daylight saving time permanent in the state with House Bill 329 in 2023. The bill however died in committee.

A bill seeking to make standard time permanent if neighboring states do the same was also introduced into the state legislature but failed to make any progress. 

Before 2023, the last attempt to change how the state observes daylight saving time was in 2021, when a bill that would have exempted the state from DST failed to make it out of a House committee.  


A measure was introduced into the state’s legislature in 2025. The bill, HB2001, aims to make the Commonwealth observe Eastern Daylight Time year-round, if Congress allowed for the time change to take effect.

It is awaiting action from the House Rules Committee. 

In 2023, there were measures to move Virginia to year-round daylight saving time but they failed in the state Senate after a divided vote on the bill. 

A measure to eliminate daylight saving time was also introduced in January. HB2739 aims to keep Virginia in standard time year-round and it awaiting action from the House Rules Committee.


Despite the state legislature passing a law in 2019 for permanent daylight saving time, it cannot go into effect without the approval of Congress, which has consistently failed to bring the issue to a full vote.

A new measure was filed in the state senate for 2024, aiming to keep the state in Pacific Standard Time year-round. The bill is authored by Sen. Mike Padden. The bill failed to pass and died in committee.

A new 2025 version of the bill was reintroduced in January by Sen. Jeff Wilson.

West Virginia

A new bill that would eliminate daylight saving time in West Virginia — putting the state on Eastern time year-round — was filed in 2024. However, it failed to make it out of committee. 

Previous attempts to make this change failed in the House when the 2022 legislative session ended


The last notable effort in Wisconsin to eliminate daylight saving time was scrapped in 2017 after social media backlash forced the two legislators who authored the bill to walk it back. The Associated Press reported that the pair faced backlash from constituents and even calls from upset relatives

One of the sponsors, Rep. Michael Schraa, conceded, “This would be a lot better if we just stayed on daylight saving time.” 


Wyoming’s legislature passed a measure in March 2020 to allow the state to observe year-round daylight saving time if approved by Congress and if three nearby states adopted the same plan. Those states would need to be from: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota or Utah. 

The legislature introduced another bill in 2023 to establish Mountain Standard Time year-round but the effort failed.



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