HB 3666 Introduced

Relating to global professional standards for internal auditing. 







relating to global professional standards for internal auditing.




       SECTION 1.  Chapter 2102, Government Code is amended to read


as follows:


       Sec. 2102.002.  PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to


establish guidelines for a program of internal auditing to assist


agency administrators and governing boards by furnishing


independent analyses, appraisals, and recommendations about the


adequacy and effectiveness of a state agency ‘s systems of internal


control policies and procedures and the quality of performance in


carrying out assigned responsibilities. Internal auditing is


defined as an independent, objective assurance and consulting


activity designed to add value and improve an organization ‘s


operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by


bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve


the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance


processes.The purpose of internal auditing is to strengthen an


organization’s ability to create, protect, and sustain value by


providing the board and management with independent, risk-based,


and objective assurance, advice, insight, and foresight.


       Sec. 2102.003.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:


             (1)  “Administrator” means the executive head of a


state agency.


             (2)  “Assurance services” means an examination of


evidence for the purpose of providing an independent assessment of


risk management, control, or governance processes for an


organization. Assurance services include audits as defined in this




             (3)  “Audit” means:


                   (A)  a financial audit described by Section




                   (B)  a compliance audit described by Section




                   (C)  an economy and efficiency audit described by


Section 321.0133;


                   (D)  an effectiveness audit described by Section


321.0134; or


                   (E)  an investigation described by Section




             (4)  “ConsultingAdvisory services” means advisory and


related client service activities, the nature and scope of which


are agreed upon with the client and are intended to add value and


improve an organization ‘s operations without providing assurance


or taking on management responsibilities.Advisory Consulting


services include counsel, advice, facilitation, and training.


             (5)  “State agency” means a department, board, bureau,


institution, commission, or other agency in the executive branch of


state government.


       Sec. 2102.005.  INTERNAL AUDITING REQUIRED. (a) A state


agency shall conduct a program of internal auditing that includes:


             (1)  an annual audit plan that is prepared using risk


assessment techniques and that identifies the individual audits to


be conducted during the year; and


             (2)  periodic audits of the agency ‘s major systems and


controls, including:


                   (A)  accountingfinancial systems and controls;


                   (B)  operational or administrative systems and


controls; and


                   (C)  information technologyelectronic data


processing systems and controls.


       (b)  In conducting the internal auditing program under


Subsection (a), a state agency shall consider methods for ensuring


compliance with contract processes and controls and for monitoring


agency contracts.


       Sec. 2102.007.  DUTIES OF INTERNAL AUDITOR. (a) The


internal auditor shall:


             (1)  report directly to the state agency ‘s governing


board or the administrator of the state agency if the state agency


does not have a governing board;


             (2)  develop an annual audit plan;


             (3)  conduct audits as specified in the audit plan and


document deviations;


             (4)  prepare audit reports communicate audit results;


             (5)  conduct quality assurance reviews in accordance


with professional standards as provided by Section 2102.011 and


periodically take part in a comprehensive external peer review; and


             (6)  conduct economy and efficiency audits and program


results audits as directed by the state agency ‘s governing board or


the administrator of the state agency if the state agency does not


have a governing board.


       (b)  The program of internal auditing conducted by a state


agency must provide for the auditor to:


             (1)  have access to the administrator; and


             (2)  be free of all operational and management


responsibilities that would impair the auditor ‘s ability to review


independently all aspects of the state agency ‘s operation.


       Sec. 2102.011.  INTERNAL AUDIT STANDARDS. The internal


audit program shall conform to the Global Internal Audit Standards


Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the


Code of Ethics contained in the Professional Practices Framework as


promulgated by The Institute of Internal Auditors, and generally


accepted government auditing standards.


       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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