HB 3776 Introduced

Relating to reporting requirements for a public retirement system that authorizes the system’s shares to be voted by a proxy advisor or investment manager. 







relating to reporting requirements for a public retirement system


that authorizes the system’s shares to be voted by a proxy advisor


or investment manager.




       SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 802, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 802.208 to read as follows:


       Sec. 802.208.  PROXY VOTING: ANNUAL REPORTING.  (a)  In this




             (1)  “Investment manager” means a person who for


compensation provides professional investment management services.


The term:


                   (A)  includes a person eligible for appointment as


an investment manager under Section 802.204; and


                   (B)   does not include:


                         (i)  an employee or member of an advisory


committee of a public retirement system; or


                         (ii)  a seller of security interests.


             (2)  “Proxy advisor” means a person who for


compensation provides corporate governance ratings, proxy research


and analyses, proxy voting, or other similar services to the


shareholders of a publicly traded entity, or other interested


parties, for the purpose of advising a shareholder or other


interested party on how to vote on measures under consideration by


shareholders or voting on behalf of a shareholder by proxy.


       (b)  This section applies only to a public retirement system


that holds shares that the system is entitled to vote by proxy.


       (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), not later than the


180th day after the last day of a public retirement system’s fiscal


year, the governing body of the system shall tabulate all proxy


votes made on behalf of the system by proxy advisors during the


preceding fiscal year of the system and report the votes to the


State Pension Review Board. For each vote, the report must contain a


vote caption, the system’s vote, the recommendation, if any, of the


company holding the election, and, as applicable, the


recommendation of the proxy advisor. The State Pension Review Board


shall post reports submitted under this subsection to the board’s


publicly accessible Internet website.


       (d)  Instead of submitting a report under Subsection (c), the


governing body of a public retirement system may provide to the


State Pension Review Board the location of a report posted to the


system’s publicly accessible Internet website that contains the


information required by that subsection.


       (e)  Except as provided by Subsection (f), if the governing


body of a public retirement system grants proxy voting authority to


an investment manager, the investment manager shall submit a report


to the retirement system, and the retirement system shall submit a


report to the State Pension Review Board, that tabulates all proxy


votes cast by the investment manager on behalf of the system for


each 12-month period the investment manager is managing any assets


of the system. The State Pension Review Board shall post the reports


submitted under this subsection to the board’s publicly accessible


Internet website.


       (f)  Subsection (e) does not apply to an investment manager


that manages less than $50 million of a public retirement system’s




       (g)  The State Pension Review Board may adopt rules to


implement this section.


       SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to


a contract entered into on or after the effective date of this Act.


A contract entered into before the effective date of this Act is


governed by the law in effect on the date the contract was entered


into, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.


       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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