Relating to fees charged by county clerks for certain property records.
relating to fees charged by county clerks for certain property
SECTION 1. Section 118.011, Local Government Code, is
amended by amending Subsections (a) and (e) to read as follows:
(a) A county clerk shall collect the following fees for
services rendered to any person:
(1) Personal Property Records Filing (Sec. 118.012):
(A) for the first page$ 5.00;
(B) for each additional page or part of a page on
which there are visible marks of any kind$ 4.00;
(2) Real Property Records Filing (Sec. 118.013):
(A) for the first page$ 5.00;
(B) for each additional page or part of a page on
which there are visible marks of any kind$ 4.00;
(C) for all or part of each 8-1/2″ X 14″
attachment or rider$ 4.00;
(D) for each name in excess of five names that has
to be indexed in all records in which the document must be
indexed$ 0.25;
(3) Certified Papers (Sec. 118.014):
(A) for the clerk’s certificate$ 5.00;
(B) printed on paper, plus a fee for each page or
part of a page$ 1.00;
(C) that is a paper document converted to
electronic format, for each page or part of a page$1;
(D) that is an electronic copy of an electronic
(i) for each document up to 10 pages in
(ii) for each page or part of a page of a
document over 10 pages$0.10;
(4) Noncertified Papers (Sec. 118.0145):
(A) printed on paper, for each page or part of a
page$ 1.00;
(B) that is a paper document converted to
electronic format, for each page or part of a page$1;
(C) that is an electronic copy of an electronic
document, except for real property records:
(i) for each document up to 10 pages in
(ii) for each page or part of a page of a
document over 10 pages$0.10;
(5) Birth or Death Certificate (Sec.
118.015) . . . . .same as state registrar;
(6) Bond Approval (Sec. 118.016)$ 3.00;
(7) Marriage License (Sec. 118.018)$60.00;
(8) Declaration of Informal Marriage (Sec.
(9) Brand Registration (Sec. 118.020)$ 5.00;
(10) Oath Administration (Sec. 118.021)$ 1.00.
(e) A county clerk who provides a copy in a format other than
paper of a record maintained by the clerk, including real property
records, shall provide the copy and charge a fee in accordance with
Sections 552.231 and 552.262, Government Code.
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2025.