HB 13 Introduced

Relating to creating the Texas Interoperability Council and a grant program administered by the council. 







relating to creating the Texas Interoperability Council and a grant


program administered by the council.




       SECTION 1.  Chapter 421, Government Code, is amended by


adding Subchapter G to read as follows:




       Sec. 421.121.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:


             (1)  “Council” means the Texas Interoperability


Council established under this subchapter.


             (2)  “Division” means Texas Division of Emergency




             (3)  “Local government” means a municipality, county,


special district or authority, or any other political subdivision


of this state.


       Sec. 421.122.  TEXAS INTEROPERABILITY COUNCIL. (a)  The


Texas Interoperability Council is established to:


             (1)  develop and coordinate the implementation of a


statewide strategic plan for governing the interoperability of


emergency communication equipment and infrastructure in this


state; and


             (2)  administer a grant program to assist local


governments with acquiring emergency communication equipment that


is interoperable with other emergency communication equipment and


infrastructure in this state and with constructing additional


emergency communication infrastructure to ensure that the first


responders of this state have access to equipment and


infrastructure that is interoperable to the extent necessary to


effectively communicate during an emergency.


       (b)  The council is composed of the chief of the division and


six members appointed as follows:


             (1)  two members appointed by the governor;


             (2)  two members appointed by the lieutenant governor;




             (3)  two members appointed by the speaker of the house


of representatives.


       (c)  Appointed council members serve staggered terms of six


years, with the terms of two members expiring September 1 of each


odd-numbered year.


       (d)  A majority of the voting members of the council


constitutes a quorum to transact business. If a quorum is present,


the council may act on any matter within the council’s jurisdiction


by a majority vote.


       (e)  The chief of the division serves as the council’s


presiding officer.


       Sec. 421.123.  MEETINGS.  The council shall meet as often as


necessary at the call of the presiding officer to perform the


council’s duties.


       Sec. 421.124.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW TO COUNCIL.  (a)  


Chapters 551 and 2001 do not apply to the council.


       (b)  Information held by the council is excepted from


required public disclosure under Chapter 552.


       Sec. 421.125.  STRATEGIC PLAN. (a)  The council, in


collaboration with any state agency or private entity as the


council determines appropriate, shall develop a statewide


strategic plan to govern the interoperability of emergency


communication equipment and infrastructure in this state.


       (b)  The strategic plan must include:


             (1)  a plan for the construction of communication


infrastructure necessary to ensure effective emergency


communications among first responders in this state, including the


acquisition of land as necessary for construction;


             (2)  training programs necessary to ensure that state


and local governments have the skills and resources necessary to


access and effectively use the emergency communication equipment


and infrastructure available in this state;


             (3)  a plan to ensure that first responders throughout


this state are equipped with emergency communication equipment that


is interoperable with other emergency communication equipment in


this state; and


             (4)  a plan to ensure that any new emergency


communication equipment and infrastructure acquired or constructed


under the plan can be adapted to or integrated with any existing


emergency communication equipment and infrastructure.




The council, in collaboration with state agencies as needed, shall


implement the statewide strategic plan developed under Section


421.125 and coordinate the emergency communications network of this


state to ensure interoperability for first responders.


       Sec. 421.127.  GRANT PROGRAM. (a)  The council shall


establish a grant program to provide grants to local governments


for the purchase of emergency communication equipment and


infrastructure, the construction of emergency communication


infrastructure, and the expenses of training employees of the local


government for the effective use of the equipment during an




       (b)  To be eligible for a grant under the grant program, an


applicant must be a local government, submit a proposal to the


council, and comply with the rules established by the council for


the administration of the grant program.


       (c)  The council shall establish procedures to administer


the grant program, including:


             (1)  eligibility criteria for a grant recipient;


             (2)  guidelines relating to grant amounts; and


             (3)  procedures for submitting and evaluating




       (d)  The council shall enter into a contract that includes


performance requirements with each grant recipient. The council


shall monitor and enforce the terms of the contract.


       (e)  The council may require as a condition of a grant


awarded under this section that:


             (1)  the officers or employees of the recipient


successfully complete one or more training programs, as determined


by the council, which may include incident command system training;




             (2)  the recipient adopt standardized procedures for


incident command or management.


       (f)  The council may delegate to a state agency the


administration of the grant program.


       Sec. 421.128.  USES OF GRANT MONEY. Money awarded under the


grant program may be used only to:


             (1)  purchase emergency communication equipment,


including radios, spare parts, and accessories, for use by first


responders that is interoperable with the other emergency


communication equipment and infrastructure in this state or enables




             (2)  construct emergency communication infrastructure,


including radio towers, that is interoperable with the other


emergency communication equipment and infrastructure in this state


or enables interoperability, including the acquisition of land


necessary for the construction;


             (3)  cover the cost of adapting existing emergency


communication equipment or infrastructure to, or otherwise


integrating the equipment or infrastructure with, new emergency


communication equipment purchased or infrastructure constructed;


             (4)  cover the operational or maintenance cost of the


equipment or infrastructure described by Subdivision (1), (2), or


(3); or


             (5)  attend or provide the training to first responders


on the effective use of the equipment and infrastructure described


by Subdivisions (1), (2), and (3).


       Sec. 421.129.  GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING. The council may use


any available funds to implement the grant program.


       Sec. 421.130.  GIFTS, GRANTS, AND DONATIONS. The council


may accept gifts, grants, and donations from any source, including


private and nonprofit organizations, for the purpose of


implementing this subchapter.


       Sec. 421.131.  RULES. The division may adopt rules to


administer this subchapter.


       SECTION 2.  As soon as practicable after the effective date


of this Act, the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the


house of representatives shall appoint members to the Texas


Interoperability Council, as required by Section 421.122,


Government Code, as added by this Act, in the manner required by


that section, as follows:


             (1)  the governor shall appoint two council members to


a term expiring September 1, 2027;


             (2)  the lieutenant governor shall appoint two council


members to a term expiring September 1, 2029; and


             (3)  the speaker of the house of representatives shall


appoint two council members to a term expiring September 1, 2031.


       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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