March 10, 2025 8:00 AM
COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM
Monday, March
10, 2025
PLACE: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.)
CHAIR: Senator Donna Campbell
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Ashlie Ann Thomas Appointed
07-22-23 for a Kolkhorst
Victoria County term
to expire 08-31-25
183rd Judicial District Court, Harris
Lance Gene Long Appointed
01-01-25 for a Alvarado
Harris County term
to expire 12-31-26
Public Safety Commission
Steven Hall Stodghill Appointed
06-17-24 for a Parker
Dallas County term
to expire 01-01-30
Office of School Safety and Security
John Paul Scott Appointed
09-01-23 for a Paxton
Collin County term
to expire
Supreme Court of Texas
James P. Sullivan Appointed
01-06-25 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 12-31-26
Texas A&M University System Board
of Regents
Kelley Sullivan Georgiades Appointed
02-26-25 for a Cook
Harris County term
to expire 02-01-31
Texas Business Court, 8th Division
Brian Scott Stagner Appointed
09-01-24 for a King
Tarrant County term
to expire 09-01-26
University of North Texas System Board
of Regents
Teresa Lynne Banning West Appointed
11-07-23 for a Paxton
Collin County term
to expire 05-22-29
The following nominees will not appear:
Interstate Commission for Adult
Offender Supervision
Rene Javier Hinojosa Appointed
01-06-25 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Michael S. Adkins Appointed
01-24-25 for a Blanco
El Paso County term
to expire 11-15-29
Chad Michael Craycraft Appointed
01-24-25 for a Parker
Dallas County term
to expire 11-15-29
Angelina and Neches River Authority
Board of Directors
Coreen Ann Blaylock Appointed
10-06-23 for a Nichols
Angelina County term
to expire 09-05-29
Robert Edward Hopkins Appointed
10-06-23 for a Nichols
Jasper County term
to expire 09-05-29
Jennifer Renee Sanders Appointed
10-06-23 for a Nichols
Trinity County term
to expire 09-05-29
Texas Commission on the Arts
Robert M. Lee Appointed
08-27-24 for a Sparks
Randall County term
to expire 08-31-29
Patricia Peterson Nuss Appointed
01-11-24 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term
to expire 08-31-29
Edwin Kent Perkins Appointed
01-11-24 for a Birdwell
Erath County term
to expire 08-31-27
Nancy Carol Windham Appointed
01-11-24 for a Nichols
Nacogdoches County term
to expire 08-31-29
Correctional Managed Health Care
Divyansu Patel Appointed
12-04-24 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 02-01-25
Texas Crime Stoppers Council
Gregory F. New Appointed
10-03-24 for a Birdwell
Ellis County term
to expire 09-01-28
Jarrod Wayne Robertson Appointed
10-03-24 for a Sparks
Randall County term
to expire 09-01-28
Cheryl Sinacola Appointed
10-03-24 for a Paxton
Collin County term
to expire 09-01-28
Texas Board of Criminal Justice
Tommy Gene Fordyce Appointed
05-15-24 for a Schwertner
Walker County term
to expire 02-01-27
Nathanael William Sprinkle Appointed
07-27-23 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term
to expire 02-01-29
William O. Welch Appointed
07-27-23 for a Zaffirini
Travis County term
to expire 02-01-29
Sydney June Zuiker Appointed
07-27-23 for a Cook
Harris County term
to expire 02-01-29
State Board of Dental Examiners
Bryan Neal Henderson Appointed
12-12-23 for a Parker
Dallas County term
to expire 02-01-29
Lorie Lynette Jones Appointed
12-12-23 for a Bettencourt
Montgomery County term
to expire 02-01-29
Sarah Lamb Appointed
12-12-23 for a West
Dallas County term
to expire 02-01-29
Michael Brady Morehead Appointed
12-12-23 for a Campbell
Bexar County term
to expire 02-01-29
Chair of the State Board of Education
Aaron Glenn Kinsey Appointed
12-18-23 for a Sparks
Midland County term
to expire 12-17-25
Texas Board of Professional Engineers
and Land Surveyors
Ademola Adejokun Appointed
12-18-23 for a King
Tarrant County term
to expire 09-26-29
Roberto Moreno Appointed
12-18-23 for a Blanco
El Paso County term
to expire 09-26-29
Kiran Shah Appointed
12-18-23 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term
to expire 09-26-29
Texas Facilities Commission
Robert Hampton Clay Appointed
04-29-24 for a Huffman
Harris County term
to expire 01-31-27
Robert Scott Wetmore Appointed
07-22-23 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 01-31-27
Finance Commission of Texas
Kathleen Klein Fields Appointed
05-16-24 for a Campbell
Bexar County term
to expire 02-01-28
Troy Lee Lambden Appointed
05-16-24 for a Hagenbuch
Young County term
to expire 02-01-30
David Winfield Osborn Appointed
05-16-24 for a Blanco
El Paso County term
to expire 02-01-30
Miguel Romano Appointed
05-16-24 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 02-01-30
Board of Pilot Commissioners for
Galveston County Ports
Elizabeth Kathleen Sekaly Appointed
04-03-24 for a Middleton
Cross term
to expire 02-01-27
Galveston County
Arden Cyril Hill Appointed
04-03-24 for a Middleton
Galveston County term
to expire 02-01-28
Jason Ray Keeling Appointed
04-03-24 for a Middleton
Galveston County term
to expire 02-01-28
Terrilyn Tarlton-Shannon Appointed
04-03-24 for a Middleton
Galveston County term
to expire 02-01-27
Texas Board of Professional
Danielle Margueritte Appointed
07-22-23 for a Middleton
Kingham term
to expire 02-01-29
Brazoria County
Samuel Sean McGee Appointed
07-22-23 for a Campbell
Kendall County term
to expire 02-01-29
Gulf Coast Protection District Board of
Sharon Day Hulgan Appointed
12-11-23 for a Middleton
Galveston County term
to expire 06-16-25
Statewide Health Coordinating Council
Billie Bell Appointed
01-13-25 for a Flores
Medina County term
to expire 08-31-27
Lauren Hart Day Appointed
01-13-25 for a Campbell
Travis County term
to expire 08-31-29
Emily Rose Hunt Appointed
09-30-24 for a Cook
Harris County term
to expire 08-31-29
David Vaughan Lewis Appointed
04-01-24 for a Campbell
Travis County term
to expire 08-31-29
Dakota Marks Appointed
09-30-24 for a Nichols
Angelina County term
to expire 08-31-29
Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Richard L. Clemmer Appointed
05-21-24 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 08-31-29
Stacy Ann Williams Hock Appointed
07-22-23 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 08-31-27
Juan Jose Nevarez Sanchez Appointed
05-21-24 for a Johnson
Dallas County term
to expire 08-31-29
Welcome Wade Wilson Appointed
05-21-24 for a Cook
Harris County term
to expire 08-31-29
Texas Industrialized Building Code
Suzanne Rebecca Arnold Appointed
07-01-24 for a Hall
Rockwall County term
to expire 02-01-26
Edwin O. Lofton Appointed
07-01-24 for a Flores
Llano County term
to expire 02-01-26
Alfonso Alexandre Morales Appointed
07-01-24 for a Alvarado
Harris County term
to expire 02-01-26
Jorge Antonio Olivares Appointed
07-01-24 for a Menendez
Bexar County term
to expire 02-01-26
John Dilworth Scholl Appointed
07-01-24 for a Sparks
Armstrong County term
to expire 02-01-26
William Fletcher Smith Appointed
07-01-24 for a Campbell
Hays County term
to expire 02-01-26
Judicial Compensation Commission
Rodney E. Anderson Appointed
12-12-24 for a West
Dallas County term
to expire 02-01-29
Philip Wayne Johnson Appointed
12-12-24 for a Perry
Lubbock County term
to expire 02-01-29
Linda Walters Kinney Appointed
12-12-24 for a Campbell
Kendall County term
to expire 02-01-29
State Commission on Judicial Conduct
April Irene Aguirre Appointed
01-10-25 for a Alvarado
Harris County term
to expire 11-19-29
Derek Matthew Cohen Appointed
12-14-23 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 11-19-29
Yinon Weiss Appointed
01-10-25 for a Campbell
Hays County term
to expire 11-19-25
Texas Judicial Council
George Michael Bryant Appointed
12-03-24 for a Parker
Dallas County term
to expire 06-30-29
David Daniel Botha Appointed
12-03-24 for a Eckhardt
Dunmoyer term
to expire 06-30-29
Travis County
297th Judicial District Court, Tarrant
Amy Allin Gastorf Appointed
02-25-25 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term
to expire 12-31-26
66th Judicial District Court, Hill
Justin William Lewis Appointed
02-25-25 for a Birdwell
Hill County term
to expire 12-31-26
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Janna Ann Atkins Appointed
01-31-24 for a Perry
Taylor County term
to expire 08-30-29
Justin Lee Berry Appointed
01-31-24 for a Campbell
Travis County term
to expire 08-30-27
Conor Ryan Harvey Appointed
01-31-24 for a Huffman
Harris County term
to expire 08-30-29
Sergio Saenz Appointed
10-02-24 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term
to expire 08-30-27
Justin Allan West Appointed
01-31-24 for a Middleton
Galveston County term
to expire 08-30-29
Manufactured Housing Board
James Edward Brady Appointed
02-03-25 for a Birdwell
Tarrant County term
to expire 01-31-31
Joseph Thomas Christian Appointed
02-03-25 for a Campbell
Bexar County term
to expire 01-31-31
Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention
Charla Kay Scott Appointed
02-11-25 for a Hancock
Brotherton term
to expire 02-01-31
Tarrant County
Scott A. Jackson Appointed
08-07-24 for a Campbell
Kendall County term
to expire 02-01-29
Thomas Allan Sloan Appointed
08-07-24 for a Campbell
Travis County term
to expire 02-01-27
Katherine Barker Whitehill Appointed
02-11-25 for a Parker
Dallas County term
to expire 02-01-31
Advisory Committee to the Texas Board
of Criminal Justice on Offenders with
Medical or Mental
Robb David Catalano Appointed
10-03-23 for a King
Tarrant County term
to expire 02-01-29
Joseph Vincent Penn Appointed
10-03-23 for a Cook
Harris County term
to expire 02-01-29
Office of Independent Ombudsman for the
Texas Juvenile Justice Department
Robert Sean McCleskey Appointed
02-04-25 for a Campbell
Bexar County term
to expire 02-01-27
Board of Pardons and Paroles
Sandra Clark Fletcher Appointed
12-06-24 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term
to expire 02-01-27
Public Safety Commission
Willis D. Hord Appointed
06-17-24 for a Sparks
Midland County term
to expire 01-01-30
Alamo Regional Mobility Authority
John Christopher Asel Appointed
01-24-25 for a Gutierrez
Bexar County term
to expire 02-01-26
Central Texas Regional Mobility
Robert W. Jenkins Appointed
02-11-25 for a Eckhardt
Travis County term
to expire 02-01-27
Sabine River Authority of Texas Board
of Directors
Richard Blair Abney Appointed
08-20-24 for a Hughes
Harrison County term
to expire 07-06-25
Thomas Neil Beall Appointed
01-12-24 for a Nichols
Sabine County term
to expire 07-06-29
James William Bruce Appointed
01-12-24 for a Nichols
Orange County term
to expire 07-06-29
Clifford Ralph Todd Appointed
01-12-24 for a Hughes
Panola County term
to expire 07-06-29
San Antonio River Authority Board of
John Henry Yochem Appointed
08-22-24 for a Kolkhorst
Goliad County term
to expire 12-31-27
Texas Business Court, 3rd Division
Melissa Michelle Davis Appointed
09-01-24 for a Eckhardt
Andrews term
to expire 09-01-26
Travis County
Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation
Board of Directors
Clifton Leo Thomas Appointed
08-22-23 for a Kolkhorst
Victoria County term
to expire 01-01-29
Veterans’ Land Board
James Richard Rothfelder Appointed
12-31-24 for a Campbell
Comal County term
to expire 12-29-28
State Board of Veterinary Medical
Stacy Elizabeth McLeod Appointed
10-31-24 for a King
Parker County term
to expire 08-26-29
** See Committee Coordinator
for previous versions of the schedule **