The Senate Committee on State Affairs will consider the
SB 29 Hughes
Relating to business entities.
SB 406 Middleton
| et al.
Relating to the required inclusion of a person’s sex on a birth certificate
and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.
SB 447 Hinojosa,
Juan “Chuy”
Relating to authorizing certain municipalities to change the date on which
their general election for officers is held.
SB 875 Birdwell
Relating to prohibiting election activities committed by a member of the
board of trustees or superintendent of an independent school district or on
certain school district premises; creating criminal offenses.
SB 893 Johnson
| et al.
Relating to criminal offenses for creating and distributing certain
misleading images and videos; creating a criminal offense.
SB 1033 Hughes
Relating to the withdrawal of a candidate in a runoff primary election.
SB 1346 Hughes
Relating to prohibited sales to persons attempting to purchase all possible
winning tickets in a lottery drawing.
SB 1362 Hughes
Relating to prohibiting the recognition, service, and enforcement of extreme
risk protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
SB 1539 Bettencourt
Relating to requirements and procedures in the contest of an election on a
proposed constitutional amendment.
SCR 22 Hughes
Designating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas.
Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If
submitting written
testimony, please provide 25 copies to the committee
clerk with your name
and the bill number on each copy.