Governor Greg Abbott last night highlighted the momentum of support for school choice in the Texas House of Representatives during a Parent Empowerment Night at Temple Christian School (TCS) in Fort Worth.
“Session after session, the Texas Senate has passed school choice only to see it fail in the Texas House,” said Governor Abbott. “We knew this time we had to get it across the finish line, and the first step to doing that is to file the bill, then to get co-authors. Last week, the bill had enough co-authors to have a majority—77 out of 150. We are going to end this session providing more funding for education than ever before in the history of our state and put our children on the pathway to receive a tailored education through school choice.”
During his remarks, Governor Abbott debunked myths about the impact of a Texas school choice program, including that public education will be fully funded, every Texas family—not just wealthy families—will benefit from a school choice program, and parents who homeschool their children will have control over the curriculum they teach their kids. The Governor also mentioned that Texas will end this legislative session with a record-high for teacher pay and per student funding. Additionally, Governor Abbott called on Texans to get involved in the legislative process and call their legislators to urge them to continue to support school choice.
The Governor was joined at the Parent Empowerment Night by Senator Kelly Hancock, Representative David Cook, Representative David Lowe, Representative John McQueeney, Representative Nate Schatzline, Representative Tony Tinderholt, Texas Public Policy Foundation Campaign Director Mandy Drogin, TCS President Doug Rife, TCS Head of School Dr. Andrea Chevalier, and other school choice supporters.