HB 4125 Introduced

Relating to the requirement that law enforcement agencies notify school districts when a school district employee is under investigation for certain criminal offenses. 







relating to the requirement that law enforcement agencies notify


school districts when a school district employee is under


investigation for certain criminal offenses.




       SECTION 1.  Chapter 37, Education Code, is amended by adding


Section 37.089 to read as follows:






       (a)  DEFINITIONS AND SCOPE. In this section:


             (1)  “Law enforcement agency” means any agency of this


state, or of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision


of this state, that employs peace officers and/or is responsible


for the enforcement of the Texas Penal Code and the investigation of


criminal offenses.


             (2)  “Educational Institution” means:


                   (A)  A public school district as defined under the


Texas Education Code;


                   (B)  An open-enrollment charter school under


Subchapter D, Chapter 12, Texas Education Code;


                   (C)  A private school as defined by Texas law;


                   (D)  An accredited academy of any other legally


recognized school entity operating within the state of Texas;


             (3)  “Educational Institution Employee” means an


individual employed by an educational institution as defined in


this section.




enforcement agency that initiates an investigation, makes an


arrest, secures an indictment, or formally charges an educational


institution employee for:


             (1)  Any offense under Title 5, Penal Code, if the


alleged victim is a child under 18 years of age or a current student


in an educational institution;


             (2)  Any offense under Chapter 43, Penal Code, if the


alleged victim is a child under 18 years of age or a current student


in an educational institution; or


             (3)  Any felony offense, regardless of the age of the


alleged victim;


       Shall notify the chief of police of the educational


institution where the employee is employed or, if the educational


institution does not have a police department, the superintendent,


chief executive officer, or designee of the educational




       If the law enforcement agency determines that no charges will


be filed or the case is dismissed, the agency must notify the


educational institution within two working days to ensure that


administrative decisions are based on updated information.


       (c)  NOTIFICATION TIMELINES AND CONTENT. The notification


required under Subsection (b) must include:


             (1)  Oral Notification: The law enforcement agency


shall orally notify the district’s superintendent or the chief of


police of the educational institution within 24 hours after the


investigation is initiated or before the next school day, whichever


is earlier; and


             (2)  Written Notification: Within seven days after the


date of the oral notice, the law enforcement agency shall send a


written notification marked “PERSONAL and CONFIDENTIAL” to the


district’s superintendent or chief of police.  The written


notification shall include:


                   (i)  The nature of the investigation and any


relevant safety concerns;


                   (ii)  The name of the individual under




                   (iii)  The date and time the oral notification was


provided; and


                   (iv)  Any non-confidential facts necessary for


school administrators to determine student and staff safety






PROTECTION. The notifications listed under Subsection (c) shall


not disclose any confidential information prohibited by law or any


details that could compromise an active investigation, including


specific evidence, witness identities, or investigative


strategies, but shall provide sufficient information for the


educational institution to take any necessary administrative or


safety measures.


       Any information received under this section may not be


disclosed to unauthorized individuals.  The district’s


superintendent or chief of police may only share this information




             (1)  Law enforcement personnel involved in the




             (2)  School administrators with direct responsibility


over the employee under investigation;


             (3)  Legal counsel for the educational institution; and


             (4)  Instructional and support personnel with direct


supervision responsibilities, if required for student safety.


       Any unauthorized disclosure of information is subject to


disciplinary action and may be reported to the State Board for


Educator Certification for possible suspension or revocation of the


offending individual’s educator certification.


       (e)  ONGOING UPDATES. The law enforcement agency shall


provide updates to the superintendent or chief of police as


necessary to ensure ongoing safety within the school environment.




educational institution receiving notification under this section


shall keep the information confidential and use it only for


purposes necessary to maintain student safety and administrative


compliance. The educational institution and law enforcement


agencies shall cooperate to determine how to maintain student


safety while not compromising the integrity of the criminal


investigation. Upon receiving a notification under this section,


the district’s superintendent or chief of police shall immediately


notify all instructional and support personnel responsible for


supervising the employee under investigation if deemed necessary


for student safety. All personnel must keep this information


confidential, and any unauthorized disclosure of this information


shall be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed by state law.


       (g)  REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. A law enforcement agency


subject to this section shall submit an annual compliance report to


the Texas Education Agency, detailing:


             (1)  The number of notifications made;


             (2)  The timeliness of notifications;


             (3)  The number of written follow-ups completed; and


             (4)  Any instances of noncompliance and corrective


measures taken.


       The Texas Education Agency shall establish a statewide


reporting system to track law enforcement agencies’ compliance.


Failure to comply with this section shall be reported to the Texas


Commission on Law Enforcement for further action.


       (h)  STATE AGENCY ROLE AND TRANSPARENCY. The Texas Education


Agency shall oversee compliance with this section and may develop


guidelines to assist law enforcement agencies and educational


institutions in meeting notification requirements. The Texas


Education Agency shall also establish a structured communication


protocol to ensure transparency and accountability between law


enforcement agencies and educational institutions.




The Texas Education Agency shall develop and provide training


materials for school administrators regarding the appropriate


handling of notifications received under this section.  The


training shall include:


             (1)  Best practices for maintaining student safety and


administrative compliance;


             (2)  Confidentiality measures to protect investigation




             (3)  Coordination protocols between law enforcement


and school districts; and


             (4)  Guidance on placing employees on temporary


administrative leave pending investigation outcomes to mitigate


potential risks to students and staff while not compromising the


integrity of the investigation.


       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives


a vote of at least two-thirds of all the members elected to each


house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.


If this Act does not receive the necessary vote, it takes effect


September 1, 2025. 

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