HB 4294 Introduced

Relating to the regulation of platforms for the sale and distribution of software applications for mobile devices; authorizing a civil penalty. 







relating to the regulation of platforms for the sale and


distribution of software applications for mobile devices;


authorizing a civil penalty.




       SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Business & Commerce Code, is


amended by adding Chapter 121 to read as follows:






       Sec. 121.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:


             (1)  “Age category” means information collected by the


owner of an app store to designate a user based on the age


categories described by Section 121.021(b).


             (2)  “App store” means a publicly available Internet


website, software application, or other electronic service that


distributes software applications from the owner or developer of a


software application to the user of a mobile device.


             (3)  “Minor” means an individual who is younger than 18


years of age who has not had the disabilities of minority removed


for general purposes.


             (4)  “Mobile device” means a portable, wireless


electronic device, including a tablet or smartphone, capable of


transmitting, receiving, processing, and storing information


wirelessly that runs an operating system designed to manage


hardware resources and perform common services for software


applications on handheld electronic devices.


             (5)  “Personal data” means any information, including


sensitive data, that is linked or reasonably linkable to an


identified or identifiable individual. The term includes


pseudonymous data when the data is used by a person who processes or


determines the purpose and means of processing the data in


conjunction with additional information that reasonably links the


data to an identified or identifiable individual. The term does not


include deidentified data or publicly available information.


       Sec. 121.002.  RULES.  The attorney general shall adopt


rules to implement this chapter.






(a) When an individual in this state creates an account with an app


store, the owner of the app store shall:


             (1)  request the individual’s age;


             (2)  use a commercially reasonable method of


verification to verify the individual’s age; and


             (3)  assign to the individual a designation described


by Subsection (b).


       (b)  The owner of an app store shall use the following age


categories for assigning a designation:


             (1)  an individual who is younger than 13 years of age


is considered a “child”;


             (2)  an individual who is at least 13 years of age but


younger than 17 years of age is considered a “teenager”;


             (3)  an individual who is 17 years of age is considered


an “older teenager”;


             (4)  an individual who is at least 18 years of age but


younger than 21 years of age is considered an “adult”; and


             (5)  an individual who is at least 21 years of age is


considered a “legal adult.”


       Sec. 121.022.  PARENTAL CONSENT REQUIRED. (a)  If the owner


of the app store determines under Section 121.021 that an


individual is a minor, the owner must obtain consent from the


minor’s parent or guardian before allowing the minor to:


             (1)  download a software application;


             (2)  purchase a software application; or


             (3)  make a purchase in or using a software




       (b)  The owner of an app store must obtain consent for each


individual download or purchase sought by the minor.


       (c)  To obtain consent from a minor’s parent or guardian


under Subsection (a), the owner of an app store may use any


reasonable means to:


             (1)  disclose to the parent or guardian:


                   (A)  the specific software application or


purchase for which consent is sought;


                   (B)  the rating under Section 121.052 assigned to


the software application or purchase; and


                   (C)  the specific content or other elements that


led to the rating assigned under Section 121.052;


             (2)  give the parent or guardian a clear choice to give


or withhold consent for the download or purchase; and


             (3)  ensure that the consent is given by an individual


that the owner of the app store has verified is an adult who is the


parent or guardian of the minor.




APPLICATION. (a)  The owner of an app store that operates in this


state shall display for each software application available for


download and purchase on the app store:


             (1)  the rating under Section 121.052 assigned to the


software application; and


             (2)  the specific content or other elements that led to


the rating assigned under Section 121.052.


       (b)  The information displayed under this section must be


clear, accurate, and conspicuous.




DEVELOPERS. The owner of an app store that operates in this state


shall, consistent with the owner’s data collection practices, allow


the developer of a software application to access current


information related to:


             (1)  the age category assigned to each user under


Section 121.021(b); and


             (2)  whether consent has been obtained for each minor


user under Section 121.022.


       Sec. 121.025.  PARENT OVERSIGHT OF USAGE BY MINOR. The owner


of an app store that operates in this state, owns the operating


system of a mobile device, and provides parental controls to allow


users to enable certain content filters or limit software


application or mobile device usage shall take steps to make those


parental controls easy for a user to find and operate.


       Sec. 121.026.  CONSTRUCTION OF SUBCHAPTER. Nothing in this


subchapter may be construed to:


             (1)  prevent the owner of an app store that operates in


this state from taking reasonable measures to:


                   (A)  block, detect, or prevent the distribution




                         (i)  obscene material, as that term is


defined by Section 43.21, Penal Code; or


                         (ii)  other material that may be harmful to




                   (B)  block or filter spam;


                   (C)  prevent criminal activity; or


                   (D)  protect the security of an app store or


software application;


             (2)  require the owner of an app store that operates in


this state to disclose a user’s personal data to the developer of a


software application except as provided by this subchapter; or


             (3)  allow the owner of an app store that operates in


this state to use a measure required by this chapter in a manner


that is arbitrary, capricious, anticompetitive, or unlawful.




       Sec. 121.051.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter


applies only to the developer of a software application that the


developer makes available to users in this state through an app




       Sec. 121.052.  DESIGNATION OF AGE RATING. (a) The developer


of a software application shall assign to each software application


and to each purchase that can be made through the software


application an age rating based on the age categories described by


Section 121.021(b).


       (b)  The developer of a software application shall provide to


each app store through which the developer makes the software


application available:


             (1)  each rating assigned under Subsection (a); and


             (2)  the specific content or other elements that led to


each rating provided under Subdivision (1).




developer of a software application shall provide notice to each


app store through which the developer makes the software


application available before making any change to the terms of


service or privacy policy of the software application that:


             (1)  affects or changes the rating assigned to the


software application under Section 121.052 or the content or


elements that led to that rating; or


             (2)  materially changes the functionality or user


experience of the software application.


       Sec. 121.054.  TIME RESTRICTION.  The developer of a


software application shall provide a readily available feature for


the parent or guardian of a minor to monitor and limit the amount of


time the minor spends using the application.


       Sec. 121.055.  AGE VERIFICATION.  (a)  The developer of a


software application shall create and implement a system to verify:


             (1)  for each user of the software application, the age


category assigned to that user under Section 121.021(b); and


             (2)  for each minor user of the software application,


whether consent has been obtained under Section 121.022.


       (b)  The developer of a software application shall use


information provided by the owner of an app store under Section


121.024 to perform the verification required by this section.




       Sec. 121.101.  CIVIL PENALTY; INJUNCTION.  (a)  A person who


violates this chapter is liable to this state for a civil penalty in


an amount not to exceed:


             (1)  $10,000; or


             (2)  if the court finds that the person knowingly or


repeatedly violated this chapter, $20,000.


       (b)  The attorney general may bring an action to:


             (1)  collect the penalty under this section;


             (2)  seek an injunction against further violation of


this chapter;


             (3)  seek an order from the court for the person to


disgorge any money received in violation of this chapter; and


             (4)  recover attorney’s fees and reasonable court




       Sec. 121.102.  PRIVATE CAUSE OF ACTION. (a)  The parent or


guardian of a minor who is a victim of a violation of this chapter


may bring an action against the owner of the app store or the


developer of a software application, as applicable.


       (b)  A parent or guardian of a minor who prevails in an action


under this section is entitled to recover:


             (1)  actual damages;


             (2)  injunctive relief; and


             (3)  attorney’s fees and reasonable court costs.


       SECTION 2.  (a) The attorney general shall adopt initial


rules to implement Chapter 121, Business & Commerce Code, as added


by this Act, not later than March 1, 2026.


       (b)  An action under Chapter 121, Business & Commerce Code,


as added by this Act, may not be brought before March 1, 2027.


       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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