Relating to the termination of a lease agreement of a servicemember’s dependent.
relating to the termination of a lease agreement of a
servicemember’s dependent.
SECTION 1. Section 92.017(b), Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(b) A tenant who is a servicemember or a dependent of a
servicemember may vacate the dwelling leased by the tenant and
avoid liability for future rent and all other sums due under the
lease for terminating the lease and vacating the dwelling before
the end of the lease term if:
(1) the lease was executed by or on behalf of a person
who, after executing the lease or during the term of the lease,
enters military service; [or]
(2) a servicemember, while in military service,
executes the lease and after executing the lease receives military
(A) for a permanent change of station; or
(B) to deploy with a military unit for a period of
90 days or more; or
(3) a servicemember or a spouse of the servicemember,
while the servicemember is in military service, guarantees the
lease on behalf of a dependent, and, after guaranteeing the lease,
the servicemember receives military orders:
(A) for a permanent change of station; or
(B) to deploy with a military unit for a period of
90 days or more.
SECTION 2. The change in law made by this Act applies only
to a lease entered into or renewed on or after the effective date of
this Act. A lease entered into or renewed before the effective date
of this Act is governed by the law as it existed immediately before
the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect
for that purpose.
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.