HB 134 Introduced

Relating to the location at which certain sales are consummated for purposes of local sales and use taxes. 







relating to the location at which certain sales are consummated for


purposes of local sales and use taxes.




       SECTION 1.  Section 321.002(a)(3)(A), Tax Code, is amended


to read as follows:


             (3)(A)  “Place of business of the retailer” means an


established outlet, office, or location operated by the retailer or


the retailer’s agent or employee for the purpose of receiving


orders for taxable items and includes any location at which three or


more orders are received by the retailer during a calendar year.  


The term does not include a computer server, Internet protocol


address, domain name, website, or software application. A


warehouse, storage yard, or manufacturing plant is not a “place of


business of the retailer” unless at least three orders are received


by the retailer during the calendar year at the warehouse, storage


yard, or manufacturing plant.


       SECTION 2.  Section 321.002(a), Tax Code, is amended by


amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivisions (1-a), (1-b), (4),


and (5) to read as follows:


             (1)  “Active economic development agreement” means an


agreement under Chapter 380, 381, 504, or 505, Local Government


Code, under which the local government made payments on or before


January 1, 2025, based on local sales and use tax collections.


             (1-a)  “Additional municipal sales and use tax” means


only the additional tax authorized by Section 321.101(b).


             (1-b)  “Affiliated group” has the meaning assigned by


Section 171.0001.


             (4)  “Principal business location” means the business


location where the decision makers of a business conduct the daily


affairs of the organization.


             (5)  “Small business” means a sales tax permit holder


that has:


                   (A)  its principal business location in this




                   (B)  not more than 20 employees, including all


employees of each member of an affiliated group that includes the


permit holder; and


                   (C)  total combined gross receipts from the sale


of tangible personal property and services in the preceding 12


calendar months of less than $500,000, including the gross receipts


of each member of an affiliated group that includes the permit




       SECTION 3.  Section 321.203, Tax Code, is amended by


amending Subsections (b), (c), (c-1), (d), and (e-1) and adding


Subsections (o), (p), and (q) to read as follows:


       (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, the sale


of a taxable item by a small business is consummated at the


principal business location of the small business [If a retailer


has only one place of business in this state, all of the retailer’s


retail sales of taxable items are consummated at that place of


business except as provided by Subsection (e)].


       (c)  Each [If a retailer has more than one place of business


in this state, each] sale of each taxable item by a [the] retailer


other than a small business is consummated at the place of business


of the retailer in this state where the retailer [first] receives


the order, provided that the order is placed in person by the


purchaser or lessee of the taxable item at the place of business of


the retailer in this state where the retailer [first] receives the




       (c-1)  If Subsections (b) and (c) do [the retailer has more


than one place of business in this state and Subsection (c) does]


not apply, the sale is consummated at the location in this state to


which the item is shipped or delivered or at which possession is


taken by the purchaser [place of business of the retailer in this




             [(1)  from which the retailer ships or delivers the


item, if the retailer ships or delivers the item to a point


designated by the purchaser or lessee; or


             [(2)  where the purchaser or lessee takes possession of


and removes the item, if the purchaser or lessee takes possession of


and removes the item from a place of business of the retailer].


       (d)  If [the retailer has more than one place of business in


this state and] Subsections (b), (c), and (c-1) do not apply, the


sale is consummated at:


             (1)  the place of business of the retailer in this state


where the order is received; or


             (2)  if the order is not received at a place of business


of the retailer, the place of business from which the retailer’s


agent or employee who took the order operates.


       (e-1)  Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (f), (g),


(g-1), (g-2), (g-3), (h), (i), (j), (k), (m), [or] (n), (p), or (q),


a sale of a taxable item made by a marketplace seller through a


marketplace as provided by Section 151.0242 is consummated at the


location in this state to which the item is shipped or delivered or


at which possession is taken by the purchaser.


       (o)  An order is received at the location where all of the


information from the purchaser necessary to determine whether the


order can be accepted has been received by or on behalf of the


seller.  The order is not received at a location where the order is


subsequently accepted, completed, or fulfilled.


       (p)  A retailer that has an active economic development


agreement with a municipality and has a single place of business in


this state that is within the municipality may elect to collect and


report the sales tax authorized by this chapter based on the


location of the retailer’s single place of business. An election


under this subsection is binding on the retailer and the purchaser.  


This subsection expires December 31, 2030.


       (q)  A retailer that has an active economic development


agreement with a municipality may elect to collect and report the


sales tax authorized by this chapter based on the location of the


retailer within the municipality from which an item is shipped


directly to the purchaser or the purchaser’s designee.  An election


under this subsection is binding on the retailer and the purchaser.  


This subsection expires December 31, 2030.


       SECTION 4.  The heading to Section 323.203, Tax Code, is


amended to read as follows:






       SECTION 5.  Section 323.203(a), Tax Code, is amended to read


as follows:


       (a)  Sections 321.002 and 321.203 apply to the taxes


authorized by this chapter in the same manner as those sections


apply to the taxes authorized under Chapter 321 [A sale of a taxable


item occurs within the county in which the sale is consummated.  A


sale is consummated as provided by this section regardless of the


place where transfer of title or possession occurs].


       SECTION 6.  The following laws are repealed:


             (1)  Section 3853.202(d), Special District Local Laws


Code; and


             (2)  Sections 323.203(b), (c), (c-1), (d), (e), (e-1),


(f), (g), (g-1), (g-2), (g-3), (h), (i), (j), (k), and (m), Tax




       SECTION 7.  The changes in law made by this Act do not affect


tax liability accruing before the effective date of this Act.  That


liability continues in effect as if this Act had not been enacted,


and the former law is continued in effect for the collection of


taxes due and for civil and criminal enforcement of the liability


for those taxes.


       SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2026. 

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