Recognizing March 18, 2025, as Boys & Girls Clubs Advocacy Day at the State Capitol.
WHEREAS, By providing a safe and enriching environment for
children and teens, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Texas have been a
beacon of hope, guidance, and support for countless individuals
across the state; and
WHEREAS, For more than a century, the state’s Boys & Girls
Clubs have remained steadfast in their mission to enable all young
Texans to achieve their full potential as productive, caring, and
responsible citizens; and
WHEREAS, The Clubs offer invaluable programs in the areas of
education, leadership development, health and wellness, athletics,
and the arts, ensuring that Club members have access to
opportunities that will benefit them throughout their lives; and
WHEREAS, The dedicated staff, volunteers, and community
partners of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Texas work tirelessly to
uplift and mentor youth, instilling in them the values of respect,
responsibility, and service; the influence of these efforts has
been felt across generations, and many former Club members have
gone on to become leaders and role models in their fields; and
WHEREAS, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Texas have made a positive
difference in many lives and created a lasting legacy of
empowerment and transformation in communities throughout the Lone
Star State; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas
Legislature hereby recognize March 18, 2025, as Boys & Girls Clubs
Advocacy Day at the State Capitol and commend all those associated
with the Clubs for their contributions.