Recognizing March 25, 2025, as Desi Day of Action at the State Capitol.
WHEREAS, Desi Day of Action at the State Capitol is taking
place on March 25, 2025, and this advocacy day provides an
opportunity for South Asian Texans to raise awareness of the issues
important to them while also highlighting the many organizations
that are furthering South Asian engagement in civic affairs; and
WHEREAS, The term “Desi” is commonly used among various
groups of individuals of South Asian ancestry, in particular those
who live outside of that region; it stems from the Sanskrit word
desh, which means country; and
WHEREAS, Encompassing numerous nations in the Indian
subcontinent, South Asia is home to a diverse set of cultures;
several hundred languages and dialects are spoken there, and some
of the most popular are Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil, and Punjabi;
WHEREAS, With more than 760,000 South Asian people living in
Texas, they are one of the fastest-growing minority populations in
the state; these residents help to drive economic growth through
their vital work in various industries, including technology,
health care, and business; in addition, they have introduced such
vibrant festivals as Diwali and Eid, and they are engaged in
political activism and voter mobilization efforts; and
WHEREAS, Members of the South Asian community contribute to
the vibrancy and prosperity of the Lone Star State in myriad ways,
and the participants in this advocacy day are demonstrating their
commitment to making an even greater positive impact in the years
ahead; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas
Legislature hereby recognize March 25, 2025, as Desi Day of Action
at the State Capitol.