ACS, San Antonio fire team up to free deer stuck in steel fence

SAN ANTONIO – Animal Care Services and the San Antonio Fire Department joined forces to save a deer trapped in a steel fence after a family reported the incident to 311.

A social media post by ACS said the G Family called the city helpline to report the deer had gotten stuck a few weeks ago. The animal struggled to get through but was unable to free herself.

When an ACS officer and cadet arrived, the deer had rubbed her sides raw from trying so hard and was lying down from exhaustion. They called in an ACS sergeant to assist when they couldn’t free the animal.

The trio assessed the deer’s skin was irritated, but the injuries appeared superficial, so they worked to push out the deer delicately but were unsuccessful.

The G Family allowed ACS to take whatever they needed to free the trapped deer. The officers called SAFD to assist with the jaws of life and were able to release it.

The deer eventually bolted out and ran into woods nearby after it was able to wiggle free, ACS said.

“Thank you, G Family, for your willingness to help this animal! And thank you, SAFD, for lending a helping hand (and heavy hydraulic tools). We are always grateful when our community and other city departments partner with us to help animals in need!” ACS said in its social media post.

Anyone who sees an animal in need is urged to report it by calling 311 or by visiting this website.


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