ACS to open 2 spay/neuter clinics on East & West sides


SAN ANTONIO – Animal Care Services is adding two new spay and neuter clinics on San Antonio’s East and West sides, which could begin operating as soon as late January.

The San Antonio City Council approved a pair of five-year leases in a 10-0 vote Thursday. Councilwoman Marina Alderete Gavito (D7) was absent from the meeting.

The West Side clinic will be at a 3,700-square-foot facility Las Palmas strip mall on Castroville Road.

The East Side clinic will be at an approximately 6,000-square-foot facility on South New Braunfels Avenue and Essex Street, close to I-10.

The city still needs to find partners to operate both locations. They plan for each site to perform at least 6,500 procedures each year.

ACS already supports 40,000 free or subsidized sterilization procedures yearly, including at its other partner-operated clinics in Brooks and Brackenridge Park.

Interim Director David McCary said the city is “following the data” in choosing the East and West side locations.

“So when we see these deserts for spay and neutered, and we’re looking further along those lines, it’s pretty easy to follow the numbers that these both are in very much need for the services,” McCary said.

The city plans to make improvements to both locations, which McCary said they hope to have “substantially completed” by late January or early February.


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