Actress America Ferrera visits San Antonio to mobilize voters for early voting

San Antonio – National organizations and actress America Ferrera visited San Antonio for a parade Saturday to mobilize Latino voters to the polls for early voting.

The actress turned advocate and the non-partisan voter advocacy group she co-founded, Harness, joined two others, When We All Vote and The Jolt Initiative in San Antonio’s historical West Side Avenida Guadalupe neighborhood to educate voters about their civic duty.

“Every 30 seconds a young Latino turns 18 and becomes eligible to vote,” said Ferrera.

A dozen, beautiful quincea?eras were part of the weekend initiative. The young ladies used the symbolic message of their special day to increase voter participation awareness among young Latino Voters.

“They can’t even vote. They are not old enough to vote and they are standing here saying ‘Vote for us. Vote for our future,'” Ferrera explained.

Other local activists and civic leaders including Rosie Castro, San Antonio Council Woman of District Five, Teri Castillo and Jolt Initiative Executive Director, Diana Maldonado, were present during the event using the opportunity to remind the community of the power behind the Latino vote.

One woman who was celebrating her quincea?era shared she already has plans when she becomes of voting age.

“When I turn 18, I plan on voting and just keeping up with the events, current events,” said Eulojia Rodriguez.

Early voting runs through Nov. 4. Election Day is Nov. 8.

For more information on where and when you can vote during early voting, click here.


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