Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Charges in to Rescue Biden From the Windmills of Her Own Mind


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), queen of the perpetual cause minus causation, has come out verbally throwing hands at her fellow Democrats who are calling for President Joe Biden to recuse himself from the 2024 presidential election. Ocasio-Cortez has accused “elitists” in her party of not only wanting to remove Biden from the November ballot but also, should this transpire, not replace him with Vice President Kamala Harris.


“If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken. They’re not going to be fully honest, but I’m going to be honest for them.

“I’m in these rooms. I see what they say in conversations. I’m here to tell you that a huge amount of the donor class and a huge amount of these elites and a huge amount of these folks in these rooms that I see that are pushing for President Biden to not be the nominee also are not interested in seeing [the] Vice President being the nominee.”

Setting aside contemplation of the linguistic gymnastics required to see what people say — perhaps Rep. Ocasio-Cortez acquired lip reading skills during her tenure as a bartender to assist in getting drunken drink orders correct when serving at noisy locations — it warrants mention that Ocasio-Cortez is an unyielding Biden supporter even after his celebrated crash and burn during his first debate with former President Donald Trump. She also possesses keen observational skills, said awesome perception chops leading to such revelations as Biden possibly being too advanced in years to identify with any of the main characters in Bluey. Her statement on this contains so many astonishing moments it warrants detailed, line-by-line analysis.


“I’m pretty sure a lot of people knew that the President is old.”

I have little doubt the only people unaware of this fact are presently dead. Rest assured, this will not prevent them from voting for whoever the Democrats nominate for President.

“President Biden is very old.”

I’m so glad she repeated this; she was unclear the first time.

“Donald Trump is also very old and a racist and a neo-Nazi”

Old, yes. Racist and neo-Nazi, no. Just stop with the hateful, hysterical hyperbole. Just. Stop.

“A lot of people don’t love that we have the same exact match-up all over again …”

Okay, we’ll give you that. However, the primaries are over. I almost feel like I should say that again for the benefit of people still sulking over the matter.

“… which is to say that the debate didn’t change much at all. It didn’t really change a lot in terms of people’s perceptions, in terms of where the electorate is at and going into the debate.”

Um… wow. The debate didn’t change people’s perceptions? Did Ocasio-Cortez watch the debate? Even the most ardent Biden booster was left aghast at his feeble performance. Has she not seen the polls? Trump’s lead over Biden grows bigger by the day. Ocasio-Cortez’s assessment not only denies reality; it boldly leaps into full-blown hallucination.


Ah, but there’s more. Ocasio-Cortez reserves her greatest kvetch for her fellow Democrats who have sounded the alarm post-debate.

“I’m looking at a watch and I’m looking at a clock and I’m looking at a calendar.”

And we’re looking at you trying to read any of them.

“And I think …”

No comment.

“… that if personally, people want to have this conversation six months ago, eight months ago, a year ago. It’s a very different landscape of logistics.

“If you’re an everyday person that has this opinion, I’m not angry, but this whole class of people who are coming with this other opinion now have supported the president the entire time, and many of those people are the same people who closed ranks around anybody who wanted to raise this conversation a year ago.”

She has a legitimate point. Biden’s cognitive decline has been on ample display for months. The Democrats had plenty of time to work out a way for him to retire gracefully and run someone — anyone — against Trump. Instead, they kicked the can down the road until it became wedged under a debate-sized boulder blocking the path.

Ocasio-Cortez finishes with a flourish.

“There have been lots of Democrats who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press,” she said. “I’m sorry, I’m going to say because it’s after the midnight, that’s b——t.

“If you have an opinion, say it in public. But the idea that you are an elected official and you are supposed to be responsible for a community, and you’re just going to text some journalists on the low and say, ‘This is what I think — don’t put my name next to it.’

“What are you here to do? If that’s your opinion, and if that’s what you think is best for the country, put your name on it.”


Actually, AOC, lots of Dems are “putting their names to it”

Another Domino Falls: Rep. Adam Schiff Calls for Joe Biden to Leave the Presidential Race

More and More Democrats Are Calling for Biden to Drop Out

And to those Democrats who don’t want to put a ring on it … er, their name on it?

“Leave. Just leave. Like, that is so garbage; that is such a fundamental lack of leadership. Go cash in on Wall Street. If that’s what you feel like, why keep that seat warm? This job is hard. It takes a lot of effort. You’re resigning yourself to losing, why don’t you just turn in your keys early and give it to someone who gives a damn?”

One could safely argue that “ridin’ with Biden” is equally addicted to losing, but who are we to argue with the good Congresswoman?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in her element jousting at the windmills of fantasy she believes to be monsters holding captive the downtrodden masses she has chosen to liberate. The problem is she keeps attacking the wrong windmills. It is the socialist policies she espouses crushing the middle class into serfdom that deserve the lance. The party elite (*coughclintonscough*) view her as an amusing, illogical featherweight that is occasionally useful for sound bites but insignificant when it comes to moving an agenda. To this end, she is currently unwittingly doing the Clintons’ bidding by staying on the Biden train as it charges off the rails, thus cementing their place within the party as its leaders while the Obama brigade remains addicted to self-destruction.
