An Update on Dennis Prager


Our Salem colleague Dennis Prager, who’s an absolute legend in the world of conservative media, talk radio, and truth-telling, was seriously injured last Tuesday in a fall at his home, and has been hospitalized since that time. We’ve all been praying for Dennis to have a speedy recovery since the moment we heard the news.


On Sunday afternoon Julie Hartman, Dennis’ podcast partner on “The Dennis and Julie Show,” provided an update on Dennis’ condition. She revealed that Dennis had surgery following his fall and that, “This is not a ‘he will be back next week’ situation. This is a long haul and a long recovery for Dennis.”

Hartman expressed deep gratitude for the millions of prayers that have been uttered on Prager’s behalf since Tuesday and the many messages of well-wishes she and Prager’s producer, Allen Estrin, have received and urged people to continue those prayers, saying, “Every day we have seen modest improvements.”

Rabbi Michael Barclay wrote a wonderful piece about Dennis and the need for prayer over at our sister site PJ Media detailing his accomplishments. This passage struck me:

As many people already know, Dennis Prager had a serious back injury last Tuesday that has put his entire way of life in jeopardy. As a conservative leader and educator, this nation needs people like Dennis to facilitate our nation’s return to greatness. And so, it is our obligation and privilege to each pray in our own way for his complete and speedy healing.

Most people know Dennis because of his writings in places like PJ Media, his many books and lectures, his daily radio show, or because of Prager U. But like many public figures, we forget that he is also a man with a family, friendships, passions, and feelings. It’s easy to forget that he is more than just a thinker and cigar smoker.

It is important in our prayers to remember that this is a human being with emotions like everyone else. He demonstrates his caring for the world with his mind and actions, but we need to pray for the healing of the man, not just the public figure.


READ MORE: Dennis Prager Needs Our Prayers—Now

Prager’s nationally-syndicated radio show is heard on 400 radio stations and on iHeart Radio and TuneIn. He’s the founder of Prager University (PragerU), the most viewed conservative video site in the world, with one billion views a year, more than half by people under the age of 35. He’s a true Renaissance Man:

  • He is a New York Times bestselling author of nine books on subjects as varied as religion, happiness, morality, the left, Islamism, and America.
  • He is a life-long theologian. His book, The Rational Bible, is the first volume of his five-volume commentary on the first five books of the Bible – rooted in his extensive knowledge of biblical Hebrew. It is currently the bestselling Bible commentary in America, and at publication was the #1 bestselling non-fiction book in the United States.
  • He periodically conducts symphony orchestras, including twice at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, where he most recently conducted the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
  • He has travelled to more than 130 countries and has lectured on all the world’s continents.
  • An expert on communism, the Middle East, and the left, he did his graduate work at the Russian and Middle East Institutes of the Columbia University School of International Affairs. He taught Russian and Jewish history at Brooklyn College.


As Dennis continues his journey to recovery, with his wife by his side, all of us at RedState, Townhall Media, and Salem Media Group will be praying continuously. 


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