Another Squad Member May Be About to Bite the Dust in New Poll


The Squad is in big trouble. 

We’ve already seen Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) get the well-deserved boot in the primary in his district in New York. He was soundly defeated by the more moderate Democrat George Latimer 58.4 percent to 41.6 percent. 


A big part of the reason he imploded was because of his extremism in general, perhaps especially regarding Israel. He had a big meltdown afterward blaming AIPAC, but he was down even before AIPAC put any money in the race. 

He was the first member of the Squad to go down. That issue is also likely to come back and bite others in the Squad. It may also be why we saw Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) seemingly tacking somewhat to the “middle,” by things like supporting Joe Biden.

READ MORE: Narrative Busting: Finer Print in the NY16 Democrat Primary Results Even More Devastating for Bowman

Sore Antisemitic Loser: Jamaal Bowman Says Jewish Money ‘Brainwashed’ Voters Into Voting Against Him

But another member of the Squad may soon be joining Bowman in the “tossed out” category.

Another member of the left-leaning “Squad” in Congress is on the ropes — facing a 23 percentage point deficit and possibly headed for defeat, a new poll claims.

Rep. Cori Bushtrails St. Louis prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell 56% to 33% in the Aug. 6 Democratic Primary for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District, the survey conducted by McLaughlin & Associates for the CCA Action Fund.

The remaining 11% were undecided or backed lesser known candidates, Ron Harshaw and Maria Chappelle-Nadal.


I wrote how she was behind in February by 22 points according to a small poll at that time. Then in June, according to another poll, the Mellman Group poll has Bell was just ahead of Bush by a point, although the poll indicated that the most consistent primary voters — those who voted in three of the most recent primaries — Bell led Bush by 10 points, 49 percent to 39 percent. That poll found that Bell was more popular and had a higher job approval rating. That poll was also the one that predicted that Latimer would defeat Bowman by double digits. So it has a positive track record on predicting Squad member races. 

The latest poll is basically in line with the first one. It’s also a small poll, so that’s a question. But I think it’s safe to say the three polls together are an indicator that Bush is in trouble. It turns out that extremist positions may not be most voters’ cup of tea even in heavily Democrat areas. Funny that. 

Wesley Bell is progressive, more moderate. He’s not radical on the question of Gaza, like the Squad, for example, so he would likely be an improvement. 


READ MORE: Bad News for Squad Member Cori Bush? New Polling Show She Might Be About to Go Down to Defeat

New: Cori Bush Gets Big Warning Sign the Day After Comrade Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat