Biden Gets Busted on Big Lie in Wisconsin With New, Ridiculous Tall Tale


How many tall tales about his background has Joe Biden made up at this point? 

There have been so many I long ago lost count. But there’s generally a common theme: it’s generally about pandering to whoever he’s speaking to at the time. 


So on Wednesday, as I wrote earlier, he told this wild story about how his “theology professor” in his Catholic high school was drafted by the Green Bay Packers because he was trying to appeal to the audience. 

“My theology professor at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Reilly — last name — and he had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers,” Biden said.

“And he decided to become a priest before that, so he didn’t go. But every single solitary Monday that Green Bay won, we got the last period of the day off,” Biden exclaimed. 

Now you know that story is poppycock, right? If you didn’t know it before, the minute he says “not a joke”, then you know it for sure isn’t true. 

But now it’s been officially debunked.

According to Pro Football Reference, the Packers have only drafted a single person with the last name “Riley,” “Reily,” or “Reilly” since the NFL began its annual college draft in 1936.

University of Colorado quarterback Maurice “Tex” Reilly was selected with the 202nd overall pick in the 22nd round of the 1947 draft — after his education was interrupted by World Word II, during which he commanded bombing missions over the Pacific, according to a 2002 article in the Denver Post.

Instead of playing professional football, the Bronze Star recipient rejoined the US Air Force in October 1947 as a civil engineer and was deployed to Japan and later Spain.


So no, no one that Biden could possibly be talking about with that last name was drafted. So what he said couldn’t possibly be true. And the story he told on Wednesday differed from how he’s told the story in the past. 

Biden previously tolda different versionof the Packers story, describing how Archmere Academy’s headmaster, Father Justin E. Diny, would dismiss students early in celebration of Packers victories.

But truth? Reality? What does that matter when you’re Joe Biden? 

When you’re Joe Biden, you just make up anything on the fly to add drama and/or pump yourself up. It’s sociopathic at this point. Meanwhile, it’s not just an old man telling stories. We see how this denial of reality can have harmful effects on everything he does, such as denying basic facts about the economy and even claiming inflation was at 9 percent when he came in. 

We can’t operate with someone like this in such a position because it puts the country and all of us in danger. 


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