Biden Makes Bizarre Comment About Fed Chair That Has Everyone Talking


We’ve been doing a lot of coverage of the 2024 race, but even though Joe Biden was shoved off the campaign, he’s still occupying the office of the president, which is concerning given the condition he’s in. 


He seems to have largely disappeared from view except for occasional outings since he withdrew. Maybe they’re hoping to do what they can to hide him through the election. But on Thursday, someone made a mistake and let him out to speak at The Economic Club in Washington, D.C. 

Letting Biden out to talk about the economy is never a smart idea. You never know what he might say. In this case, he seemed to use the occasion to bash on Americans for having a “negative mindset.” 

It could be that people have a “negative mindset” because of how much money Biden cost them with Bidenflation. Grocery, gas, and rent have all gone up and have been crushing people under Biden and Harris. But he wants to blame Americans essentially for being upset at what he’s done and how much he’s hurt everyone with his actions? That takes real gall. 

That wasn’t all, however. Biden said something truly bizarre and concerning. He said that he “never once has spoken to the Chairman of the Fed” since he’s occupied the Oval Office. 


Yet, as you can see on the right side of the tweet, Biden clearly has spoken to Fed Chair Jerome Powell. He’s had multiple meetings with him. That clip of him with Powell is from 2022. 

Biden is out of his mind and doesn’t even remember that he’s spoken to Powell. Right now, based on his words, that’s the most likely supposition. That’s extremely troubling and he’s the guy with the nuclear codes. Who is running the country with this guy in this condition? 

But Biden may also be trying to lie because he wants to put distance between him and Powell, to avoid the questions about whether there was any pressure on Powell to lower the interest rates prior to the election. 

READ MORE: Fed Makes Aggressive Interest Rate Cut, Markets React

So you have two choices here. Either he’s out of his mind or lying his head off. Neither is a good look when saying something so demonstrably untrue. He lies so much that it’s like a reflexive action now, whenever he’s put on the spot. 

I’d say his team needs to answer for this, but they’ll just lie with what they say anyway, just like he does. 


As Fox’s Charlie Gasparino observed, isn’t this the guy that Kamala Harris has claimed had all of his faculties? She helped to put us in this tenuous position by covering up how bad his condition was. She didn’t think we deserved to know what was really going on. But she wants to avoid responsibility for that and all the other failures of the Biden-Harris administration. 

She wants “credit” for their actions, yet keeps running away from them, saying she’s somehow a “new way forward.” 

But this is where we are with a person in this condition occupying the Oval Office, and that endangers us all. And it’s a long way until he’s out of office in January. 


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