Biden OKs Federal Foster Care Program Funding for Kids’ Breast-Binding, Prosthetic Penises


In this episode of Just When You Thought Team Biden Couldn’t Get More Disgusting…

Look, if you’re anything like me, you probably long ago reached the point where there was virtually nothing Joe Biden and the Democrats could do to surprise you. From never-ending hypocrisy to ever-declining morality, the leftists are all over trying to destroy America as we know it, like a pig on an acorn.

Welp, Team Biden just kicked it up — er, down — a notch.

According to a new document from the Children’s Bureau, a federal agency that operates under the authority of Health and Human Services, federal Foster Care funds will be available, beginning on June 30, 2024, for child welfare agencies to “support the provision of services, interventions, and supports to LGBTQIA2S+ children.” 

Let’s go bottom-line: the “support” will include funding for breast binders and prosthetic penises.

Here’s more:

Funding may be used in a number of ways to support LGBTQIA2S+ youth and allow them to participate in positive, affirming, age-appropriate activities. For example, Chafee funds may be used to purchase personal items related to supporting a youth’s expression of their gender identity and/or sexual orientation. 

Funds may also be used to partner or contract with community-based organizations to offer support groups to LGBTQIA2S+ youth in foster care. Participation in such support groups can have a profound impact on a youth’s self-esteem, wellbeing, and self-advocacy skills. 

Support groups also provide a safe environment in which LGBTQIA2S+ youth/young adults can raise issues related to concerns about unsupportive or hostile foster care placements.

Incidentally, if you can correctly identify everything represented by “LGBTQIA2S+”, you’re at least a few steps beyond me here— which I gladly admit.

Anyway, the Chafee funding program was originally intended to help children in the foster care system adjust to adult life, funding education, housing, and employment services. 

That was then, this is now.

LGBTQ activist groups and non-profit organizations then twisted policy guidance into an announcement that “garments such as chest binders, used to flatten a girl’s breasts, and packers, which are prosthetic penises, can be purchased with federal dollars.”

The National Center for Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression states in a document laying out how federal funds can be used to encourage child sex change attempts. “This resource offers a list of common items that may be purchased using Chafee funding.”

The organization’s resource lists both binders and packers as eligible items, as well as a range of other items.

“Binders are purpose-built undergarments … that are used to flatten breasts and create the appearance of a flatter chest,” the guide reads, before directing the reader to a site where “young people can go discreetly to learn what’s best for them.”

In regards to packers, it says they can be purchased for children with federal funds and describes them as “stand-to-pee devices that can be used as prosthesis that allow transboys and masculine people the appearance and feeling of having male genitals.” 

The accessories are used to help women use men’s restrooms and urinals. It says that gaffs, described as “compression underwear that smooth out the appearance of outer genitalia,” can also be bought with federal funds.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a former dean at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School who now runs “Do No Harm,” believes providing children with the types of devices described above puts them on a path to “irreversible harm.”

The great risk of fostering so-called affirming care is that it almost certainly will lead to medicalization, such as the use of puberty blockers and sex altering hormones. 

We know that the vast majority of children who have gender dysphoria, if supported through psychological counseling and psychiatric care, will go through puberty and live their lives in the gender that conforms to their sex. To give them various devices to promote social transition is a step in the path to irreversible harm in the vast majority of these children.

These children are extremely vulnerable and do need support services. But support services designed to implement a particular gender ideology that medical evidence has not shown to produce positive emotional or psychiatric outcomes should not be supported by the government.

How could it not lead to irreversible harm?

Yet, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, in their infinite disgust, are more concerned with pandering to a fringe group whose votes they covet than with protecting increasingly confused kids in America.


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