Biden’s UN Remarks Are a Sad Ending to His Political Career As He Slurs, Struggles and Lies


Joe Biden spoke at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday in what is likely his last big world speech to close out his 50 years in political life. 

Unfortunately, he’s going out after having left the country in shambles. He’s leaving because he was shoved off his reelection bid by his own party, who knew he was going to lose. 


His condition was much in evidence as he spoke, despite the fact that he had a teleprompter. 

A handler even had to indicate to him where the podium was that he was supposed to speak from. 

He was slurring up a storm and you could see how heavily he was relying on the teleprompter. And he seemed to be getting even older even as he detailed some of the things that had happened over those 50 years. 

He claimed that we brought Osama bin Laden “justice.” But he had been against taking bin Laden out at the time, even as he now appeared to be trying to take credit for it. 

He spoke about the decision to pull out of Afghanistan and said it was the right decision, but he took no responsibility for the botched way in which he conducted the withdrawal, which led to the death of 13 Americans. 

He claimed he thinks about them every day. But even now, he’s never said their names in remarks or responded to the families who want answers and accountability. 


Biden said he was determined to “rebuild alliances” to levels not previously seen, including new alliances like “The Quad,” which is between Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. 

Except he didn’t create that alliance, the discussions started in 2007, stopped in 2008, and were revived in 2017 by former President Donald Trump — not Joe Biden. Likely, most of the people in that room at the U.N. knew that Biden was talking nonsense. 

When they had The Quad summit this past weekend, Biden made the leaders schlepp to Wilmington so he could stay in his beach house, they barred the press from some of it, and then Biden couldn’t even remember who he was supposed to introduce next — the Indian Prime Minister. He just rudely said, “Who’s next,” like the guy should just get up there already. Yikes. 

He also equated the “hell” the hostages being held by Hamas were going through to the “hell” the people in Gaza were experiencing, despite the fact that it was their terrorist government that attacked Israel. He showed how clueless he was, pining for a two-state solution. 


But he failed to acknowledge how Hamas/Palestinians have rejected that on prior occasions because they don’t want Israel there. Until you eliminate the terrorist control, that’s a dream that will never happen. 

He spent a lot of time spewing about climate change and Ukraine, concluding of course that we needed to continue to pour out a boatload of money for both. 

Biden spoke about “disinformation” and how they could “govern AI,” saying “benefits should be shared equitably.” 

Then he wrapped by offering a few words on being shoved aside from the presidential race, saying he’d made the “preservation of democracy” the central cause of this time occupying office.  He said that he decided over the summer that it was time to step aside. 

This is nonsense. The decision was supposed to be made before the primary started. He made that — to run again, and he got over 14 million votes. Kamala didn’t get one vote for the top position. He did. But then, when they shoved him aside, they stomped all over those votes. It’s a troubling move, counter to democracy, to just throw out the votes like that and then install the person the elite thinks has a better chance to win. Biden can’t make it sound more noble now when we know what happened. 


Here’s the full speech: 


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