Biggest Traitors to the Conservative Cause – the McCain Family or the Cheney Family?


The Kamala Harris campaign has been actively courting some of the biggest Republican retreads they can find to earn their endorsement. The race has led them to scrape the bottom of the barrel with once revered political family names.


Earlier this week, the son of late Republican Senator John McCain, Jimmy McCain, offered a voice of support for the Vice President.

“I feel that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz embody a group of people that will help make this country better. That will take us forward. That’s really what matters at the end of the day,” he said.

Not to be outdone was the dynamic Cheney duo – Liz and Dick – who came out of the closet as full-throated Harris supporters as well.

In doing so, the former vice president issued a statement nearly indiscernible from something you might expect from an AOC or an apoplectic Rashida Tlaib. It’s shameful, frankly.

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” he said in endorsing Kamala. “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”

Delivered with all the fervor of a Squad lunatic.

Read related: 

Dick Cheney Follows Liz’s Lead and Endorses Harris for President

Trump, of course, didn’t do any of those things. And Harris, despite Jimmy McCain’s claims, has had nearly four years to try and move the country forward, and instead helped turn the economy, the border, and the world into a dumpster fire.

So questions abound – Which of these family endorsements is the more embarrassing attempt to keep a political family name relevant? And better yet, based on their actions since Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, which family has been the biggest traitors to their own beliefs?


It’s a tough call. Two families once espousing conservative values, completely broken by a man whose bombast and hyperbole have dropped them into a fetal position in fear of what might come next, while ignoring the real threat coming from the left.

Aside from Jimmy, you had Cindy McCain actually working for the Biden-Harris administration as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture. She endorsed Biden in the critical swing state of Arizona in 2020.

endorsement story

“I think my husband would be very pleased,” Mrs. McCain gloated after Biden’s victory. “We were good friends with the Bidens. And I just know he is looking down and going, ‘You did the right thing.’”

‘Doing the right thing,’ as Cindy stated, apparently involves selling out every one of your principal beliefs because Trump was personally unpleasant to you.

Imagine pretending to be a Republican while working on behalf of an administration that supports government funding of abortions, destroys the personal finances of the American people, and has created a humanitarian crisis at the border – including in Arizona.

Then there is Meghan McCain, famously more juvenile in her handling of Trump and his supporters, once referring to the former President as “Cheeto Jesus” and more recently, telling his ally, Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake, “No peace, b—-“ when the latter made a joke about McCain supporters.


Meghan has a child’s mind while masquerading as a serious political pundit.

McCain’s ‘Cheeto’ comments were in defense of the perpetually indefensible Liz Cheney:

Liz is perhaps one of the more tragic examples of Trump destroying an individual’s entire career based on his being a big, bad, meany.

Ms. Cheney, once the third-highest ranking Republican in the House, sacrificed her career on the alter of Democrat puppets, serving as a dancing monkey for the J6 committee and ultimately losing her House seat by a staggering 37-plus points in the deep red state of Wyoming.

Cheney is so terrified that Trump could win the 2024 election that she claims his return to the White House would be evidence that Americans are “sleepwalking into dictatorship.”

She said that, while actually watching the country walk into a dictatorship – as evidenced by the Biden-Harris administration’s jailing of political opponents and authoritarian use of executive orders subverting the checks and balances of Congress – the past four years.

She has alternately referred to the GOP nominee as “the single most dangerous threat we face” and mocked his supporters for believing “the big lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.


Cheney falsely accused Trump of using “Nazi propaganda” by calling his political opponents “vermin,” a term that aptly describes Liz herself.

And speaking of vermin, she dragged her father out on the campaign trail to try and save her doomed re-election bid, just as Harris is doing in using Dick to try and save her flailing effort to defeat Trump.

Read related: 

Bush, McCain, and Romney Aides Made a Move in Presidential Race That Didn’t Get Reaction They Hoped

Dick Cheney is probably the most fascinating of all these members of the “Island of Misfit Toys” that Democrats are trotting out.

Prior to Trump, nobody was more vilified as a ‘literal Nazi’ or the leader of ‘the Evil Empire’ than Richard Bruce Cheney.

The Democrats and the media have alternately criticized him as being a warmonger or even to some extent – a war criminal who enjoys torture – and yet today, he is playing right into the Resistance party’s hands.

These people would rather see the country overrun by illegal aliens, the economy destroyed, the average American family buried in poverty, abortion legalized up until birth, and the world dragged into a nuclear war. Why?

The Cheney and McCain families are prime examples of selling out your principles based solely on one’s personal distaste for the personality of a single man. That is weakness. That is screwing over an entire country because your feelings have been hurt.


One has to wonder if the above individuals sit on the end of their bed sobbing and poking needles into a Trump voodoo doll each night.

What kind of jelly-spined individuals act like this? What kind of people sell out the moral fiber of their beings over decades of their lives because one person lives rent-free in their heads?

Traitors to the conservative cause. Who is more guilty – the McCain family or the Cheney family?

Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Neither one will ever be relevant on the political stage again. And that’s great news for the country.


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