Black contemporary artists share culture, life experiences at new art exhibit in downtown San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio artists are sharing their stories and experiences at a new exhibit called “Between Yesterday & Tomorrow: Perspectives from Black Contemporary Artists of San Antonio.”

The exhibit is located at Culture Commons Gallery behind City Hall at 115 Plaza De Armas.

“This exhibition is about African Americans coming together to tell their stories through visuals which is great because each artist has a different story and creates visuals differently, which is great to see them in one space,” said Kaldric Dow, artist.

Themes include Black History and identity, family dynamics, social connections and personal human experiences.

Local artist Kaldric Dow created collage pieces with various patterned materials.

“It’s made of a bunch of different pieces but it’s all representing one thing which is skin tone. The hair that I wanted to focus on, it’s waves that are specific to African American culture. So that’s one thing I wanted to emphasize with this piece. As well as this strong look in the face; real humble but with a strength there,” Dow said.

Artworks include drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and quilting.

The exhibit curated by Barbara Felix and presented by the City of San Antonio’s Department of Arts & Culture is free and open to the public starting January 19 through November 17, 2023.

There will be an opening reception on January 19 from 6-9 p.m.

The event is part of DreamWeek San Antonio 2023.


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