BOOM: Trump Smacks Down Media and Kamala With Reminder Biden Visited ‘White Supremacist’ Michigan City


This is the Trump we need to keep seeing — sharp, brutal, and to the point.

Watch his perfect answer to this absolutely asinine question about the town of Howell, Michigan:


That’s how you do it.

That grin says it all.

Really could be.

When has Kamala done an actual interview with them? When has Biden?

Nope. They put the pitch right over the plate and he knocked it out of the park.

More politicians should pay attention to this.

Yeah, imagine the sitting Vice President and wannabe President saying your town is full of white supremacists.



They think this is such a gotcha, and Trump threw it right back in their faces.

It really is gold.

Exactly how you deal with it.

She’d be better off ignoring it like Clinton did to Wisconsin.

Excellent question.

Absolute king move.

His best.

They sure do.


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