Briana Joy Gray Realizes It’s Time to Stop Voting for Democrats


The last we’d checked in with Briahna Joy Gray, she’d been fired from The Hill for her criticism of Israel, or maybe it was rolling her eyes at the sister of a Hamas captive and denying rape. Gray doesn’t deny all rapes, though; last week, she was wondering why major media outlets in the U.S. weren’t covering Israel training dogs to rape Palestinian prisoners.


Gray is upset along with all of the other progressives who watched Rep. Jamaal Bowman go down in flames against his primary challenger Tuesday night. New York City mayoral candidate and ceasefire hunger striker (how’s that going?) Cynthia Nixon laid it out.

You do the math. Anti-worker far-right Republicans? But we’re supposed to believe that Hollywood Joe Biden is good ol’ Lunchbox Joe, looking out for the working man and building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, or something like that.

Gray responded that maybe it’s time to stop voting for Democrats.



Someone finally gets it.


Progressives like Gray would probably like the Democratic Socialists to run their own candidate until they can get a real Communist Party going on the ticket.



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