Business & Commerce – 8/27/2024


The Senate Business and Commerce Committee will meet
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to hear invited and public testimony on
the following interim charges:

Artificial Intelligence: Examine the development and utilization of artificial
intelligence (AI). Evaluate the implications of AI adoption across the public
and private sectors. Make recommendations for a responsible regulatory
framework for AI development, including data privacy, industry standards,
consumer protections, risk mitigation, and compliance processes. Propose any
necessary changes to state law to protect the Texas radio, television, music,
and film industries against unauthorized use by AI. Monitor the findings of
the Texas Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council.

Texas Energy Fund:
Review and report on the impact of Senate Bill 2627, the Powering Texas
Forward Act, as passed by the 88th Legislature, which established the Texas
Energy Fund (TEF) to provide grants and loans to finance the construction,
maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric facilities in Texas.

Public testimony is limited to 2 minutes. If submitting
written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the clerk with your name on
each copy.


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