BUSTED: Kamala Harris Copied Her Long-Awaited Policy Platform From Someone Else’s Website


After nearly two months, Kamala Harris finally released a policy platform on her website. The problem? Large parts of it were copied from another website. 

The policies themselves are what you’d expect. Some of them are incoherent word salads that never lay out any actual mechanism for accomplishing the promises being made. Others are just typical far-left slop, including on issues like energy and healthcare. At the very least, the release countered the idea that Harris is now a moderate. 


SEE: Kamala Harris Finally Puts Some Policies on Her Website, and Hoo Boy, Are They Bad

Perhaps there’s a reason for that. According to a new report, Harris didn’t even author some of the policy positions presented. Instead, they were lifted from Joe Biden’s old campaign website.

The Harris campaign is only now, belatedly, realizing that this is a problem. On Sunday, they finally added an “Issues” section to her website. It includes a slew of policies that the campaign has previously outlined, as well as sections on reproductive and civil rights. Unfortunately for Harris, its release was undermined by a simple but telling error: The page’s source code revealed that parts of the platform were copied directly from Biden’s campaign page.

This is dangerous territory for Harris, given that the Times poll found that more than 60 percent of voters wanted the next president to represent a “major change” from Biden—and only a quarter felt that Harris represented that change. That makes sense, given that she’s his vice president! But it means she should be working overtime to distinguish herself from her boss. Instead, she’s doing precisely the opposite. Unwilling to break publicly with Biden—to criticize his handling of say, inflation, immigration, or Israel—she has simply positioned herself as a younger version of him. Whether that’s intentional on her part, or the result of her campaign being run largely by the same people who ran Biden’s disastrous reelection bid, is unclear. 


For context, it was The New Republic, a left-wing outlet, that dug up this revelation. The article quoted above is entitled “Kamala Harris Can’t Keep Running Like This.” In other words, this isn’t some hit piece from a hostile press. It’s a desperate plea from those who support her the most, and they are beginning to see the writing on the wall: Harris’ campaign is the most astroturfed, entitled presidential campaign in history, and it’s not working.

Kamala Harris is an idea, not a tangible candidate. She’s a left-wing caricature dreamed up by the likes of CNN and MSNBC. There’s no “there, there.” She’s simply a screen for the most radical factions of the political realm to project their deepest desires on. The problem for Harris? Most voters aren’t radicals. They just want straight talk about the positions they care about.

Instead, they’ve been treated to a Democrat nominee who won’t even hold a press conference and who prefers to lay out policy positions via anonymous aides sending emails to reporters in the middle of the night. Everything else has been “vibes,” and vibes don’t last forever when nothing is undergirding them. 

Further, if she’s copying her policy ideas from Joe Biden, it’s kind of hard to claim to be the candidate of “change.” This exposes her as a continuation of the last four years, and that’s something many Americans aren’t too keen on.


With the polls continuing to shift, Harris is now facing the possibility that not only has her honeymoon ended, but that she’s actively regressing to who she’s always been in the eyes of the public. Will the debate change that? It’s certainly possible, but it could also accelerate her fall. This is a pivotal moment for the Harris campaign, which is so chaotic and manufactured that it couldn’t even come up with an original policy platform.


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