CACKLE! Kamala Reportedly Tried to Get Tough with Netanyahu About a Ceasefire and It Did NOT Go Well


We can neither confirm nor deny if this actually happened but the story is so funny that we wanted to share it with you, dear reader. And, knowing what we know about Kamala Harris we could absolutely see this happening.


Beyond the fact Kamala is simply an unlikable and cringe-inducing harpy, she’s just not cut out to deal with leaders around the world, especially Netanyahu.

Take a look:

Does she ever laugh and it’s not awkward?

Just sayin’.

And again, as of yet we have not seen any other account of this happening but LOL … it’s too funny not to share.

Oh, and just in case you all wanted to see how Trump welcomed Netanyahu to America:



His post continues:

Netanyahu reportedly believes Harris could jeopardize a hostage and ceasefire deal.”We hope that Harris’ public criticism of Israel won’t give Hamas the impression that there is daylight between the U.S. and Israel and as a result make it harder to get a deal,” an Israeli official told Axios.

So maybe things didn’t go so hot for Kamala … 



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