‘Call of Duty’ Cancels Gamer Who Dared to Say ‘Leave Little Children Alone’

How bad is the mania getting in the attempt to control speech and dictate the liberal narrative in this country?

When liberals can no longer even define what a woman is, it’s getting pretty bad. But it gets even worse when parents express concerns about what their kids are being taught in schools and those concerns are attacked or falsely termed as “hate.” My colleague Becca Lower explained some of what was allegedly being taught to kids in Glendale, California.

Several emails obtained by The Daily Signal from Glendale administrators encourage staff to teach students that every person is naturally “queer” and “socialist.”

Parents also have alleged that the school district allows boys who claim to be transgender to share locker rooms with girls.

We saw the violence get out of hand when leftist and Antifa elements came out in Glendale to confront parents speaking out for their kids.

How did the some on the left spin that encounter? They claimed the LGBTQ protesters and Antifa folks were the parents and that they were attacked because they were defending their children’s rights. Completely flipped the facts on their head. It was true that the parents fought back when they were attacked, and it didn’t go well for the leftists.

But now there’s some more fallout that was connected to that story and it’s also extremely troubling.

Nickmercs is a streamer and Faze content creator who became so well-known in the “Call of Duty” community that Activision gave him his own branded Operator skin. But now they have removed his operator skin package from sale so you can no longer buy it. What did he do that made them do this? He responded to the false narrative about the Glendale brawl and said: “They should leave little children alone.”

“Call of Duty” essentially acknowledged this was why they were removing his skin from their store.

“Due to recent events, we have removed the “NICKMERCS Operator” bundle from the Modern Warfare II and Warzone store,” the account tweeted. “We are focused on celebrating PRIDE with our employees and our community.”

So saying you should “leave little children alone” is now a bad thing that will get you punished. What are they trying to say about LGBTQ people with that response? He didn’t even say anything that was anti-LGBTQ, as he explained, he was talking about what the school was teaching kids. The “they” was the school. He also stood by what he said and he wouldn’t apologize for it.

Warning for graphic language:

“I just don’t think it’s any place for a teacher or a school — I don’t think it’s the place to speak about things like that,” he said. “It’s not that I think it shouldn’t be spoken about. If that’s what you got from that tweet, then you’re just wrong.”

“I don’t have any quarrel with anybody in here,” he continued. “I don’t have any quarrel with people on the internet. It wasn’t an anti — I guess — gay tweet. That wasn’t what it was….If you think that I hate you because you’re a certain way, you couldn’t be any more wrong.” [….]

“I want to be the one — and my wife wants to be the one — to speak with our child about stuff like that. And that was the tweet…I didn’t mean to upset anybody. I know that I did. I’m not apologizing about the tweet, because I don’t feel like it’s wrong. I’m gonna stand by what I said.”

Why let facts get in the way of crushing someone because you fall for a false narrative? But this is where many companies are now: They will do anything to comply with whatever the liberal narrative is. We see how well that is going with Target and Bud Light. It has crashed Bud Light causing the company to lose 30 percent of sales volume and drop out of the number one spot. Now, distributors think the problem is going to be permanent. Then there’s Target that’s faced downgrades and seen its stock plunge. Elon Musk and Kevin O’Leary both said that the company may have to face the wrath of its shareholders soon.

Now it looks like the boycott of “Call of Duty” is underway.


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