Can Trump still run for president in 2024? Texas political analyst answers

If convicted of “insurrection,” political analyst Bill Chriss said that would disqualify former President Donald Trump from holding federal office.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A local political expert broke down what could happen once the outcome of the Jan. 6 hearing reaches the Department of Justice and whether former President Donald Trump would be eligible, if indicted or convicted, to run for office in 2024.

“Some of the other participants in this kabal, ah, will be talked to. Those participants who specifically did not testify before congress, we’ll see whether any of them are granted immunity, so they can no longer take the fifth,” said Political analysist Bill Chriss. 

Chriss said the only way Trump’s second shot at the White House could be affected is if the DOJ were to first conclude there’s enough evidence for an indictment.

Second, that a jury would agree with those findings and thirdly that he’d be convicted of a felony. 

“And even then, I’m not sure that would automatically disqualify him from running for office. But one thing that would disqualify him from running for office, is a chance that has already passed which is convicting him on an impeachment trial,” Chriss said. 

If convicted of “insurrection,” Chriss adds that would disqualify Trump from holding federal office. Chriss said that its important to note that there is not enough time between now and the 2024 election for a conviction to take place.

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