Check out this list of personalized Texas license plates denied in 2022

Take a look at some of the plates you won’t see on the road.

TEXAS, USA — Thousands of personalized Texas license plates were rejected in 2022, according to data from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV).

The department reported that in the first 10 months of the year, more than 5,000 personalized plates were turned down. As a result, license plates like “MAMACIT@,” “H0TM355,” and “BYE@H8RZ” won’t be seen on the road. 

According to TxDMV guidelines, drivers can use any combination of letters, numbers, spaces and select symbols to create their own plate at an additional cost on top of registration and other applicable fees. 

However, plate submissions need to be approved by the department and can be declined if the plate pattern is indecent, vulgar or derogatory. Plates referring to race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation are also not allowed, whether they are derogatory or not. 

Plate submissions will also be declined if they contain a reference to illegal activities, gangs drugs or represent law enforcement or other government entities.

Even with these set guidelines, the department still received submissions it denied from folks looking to share their personality and thoughts on the road. Here are just some of the personalized plate submissions denied:


If you’re planning on getting your own personalized plates this year, you might want to check the guidelines so your submission doesn’t end up on this year’s list. 

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