Clorox recalls cleaning products that may contain bacteria

Although no illnesses linked to the recall have been reported, people with weakened immune systems are at greater risk if exposed to the contaminated products.

OAKLAND, Calif — If you’re thinking of wiping down your kitchen with that bottle of Pine-Sol all-purpose cleaner under your sink — stop. It may contain bacteria that could cause serious illness in people with compromised immune systems.

The Clorox Company said Tuesday it has recalled its scented multi-surface cleaners and all-purpose cleaners. The recall doesn’t include its iconic original pine-scented Pine-Sol, which is its only product registered as a disinfectant.

The products recalled by the Oakland, California-based company also include scented CloroxPro Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaners and Clorox Professional Pine-Sol Lemon Fresh Cleaners, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a statement.

The products “may contain bacteria, including Pseudomonas aerugi nosa, an environmental organism found widely in soil and water,” the commission said.

Although no illnesses linked to the recall have been reported, people with weakened immune systems are at greater risk if exposed to the bacteria-contaminated products.

“The bacteria can enter the body if inhaled, through the eyes, or through a break in the skin. People with healthy immune systems are usually not affected by the bacteria,” the commission said.

Which products are being recalled?

Testing identified bacteria in the recalled products produced between January 2021 and September 2022, the commission said. According to the recall notice, Clorox produced about 37 million recalled Pine-Sol products during that time.

Look at the date on your Pine-Sol bottle. If it has the prefix “A4” followed by a five-digital number less than 22249, it’s part of the recall. The products were sold in bottles ranging from 28-ounce to 175-ounce. These Pine-Sol bottles were manufactured at Clorox’s Forest Park, Georgia facility, the recall notice said.  

Here’s what products are affected by the recall:

Pine-Sol Scented Multi-Surface Cleaners

Lavender CleanSparkling WaveLemon Fresh 

CloroxPro Pine-Sol All-Purpose Cleaners

Lavender CleanSparkling WaveLemon FreshOrange Energy

Clorox Professional Pine-Sol Lemon Fresh Cleaners is also included in the recall. The original Pine-Sol (Pine Scent) is not included in the recall. 

What you should do if you have a recalled product

The recall says you should stop using the affected Pine-Sol products immediately. Then, take a picture of the 12-digit UPC code and date code before throwing the product away. 

After that, contact Pine-Sol for a full refund of the purchase price or the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (this all depends on if you still have the receipt or not). 


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