Comedian Alex Strenger Infiltrates DNC, Puts on Master Class in Trolling


We missed this one from earlier in the week, our apologies! There was quite a lot going on, what with the absolute travesty of a convention put on by the Democrats.


Nevertheless, we bring it to you now, and trust us, it is well worth two minutes and twenty-six seconds of your time:

Full disclosure, this video was brought to our attention by someone who thought it was real, and, honestly? We can understand why they did. This guy checks every woke, progressive, and inclusive box in existence, and there really are people out there like that.

He’s just not one of them. He’s comedian Alex Strenger:

He probably had the BBC reporters going for a bit, too. VERY well done!

Should’ve hung in there, bro, because it only got better.



We were impressed, too.

That? Might have been almost too much to take.

We honestly can’t imagine the effort it took to try to remain straight-faced during this.

If that didn’t do it, nothing will.


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T-SPAN Texas