Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: ‘Millions and Millions of Dollars’ From ‘Adversaries All Over the World’

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.

Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:

Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.

He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:

And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.

Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

We are still producing results, every day, that shows this family, the President of the United States’ family, has received millions and millions of dollars from our adversaries all over the world…and they can’t explain why…they can’t explain what they did to produce that money.


The Kentuckian also unloaded on the DOJ and Attorney General Merrick Garland. The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:

He just stood up and lied to the American people. Merrick Garland has destroyed the reputation of the Justice Cabinet. He has destroyed the reputation of Justice in America. He needs to go.

There’s no way he can defend the indefensible by saying that he has treated Democrats in the same manner that he has treated Republicans–specifically, the way he treated the president of the United States’ son.

Meanwhile, Hunter attended a state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday, an event to which Garland was also invited. This was mere days after the charges were filed against the president’s son. Sure looks like the game is rigged in his favor.

The IRS knew about Hunter’s financial irregularities, Comer alleges, yet failed to lift a finger to investigate:

The IRS knew about this, they knew about it because the Federal Government had records of it in the Treasury Cabinet, of their money laundering and tax evasion, yet they do absolutely nothing to Hunter Biden for any of that.

They give him a slap on the wrist for the failure to pay millions of dollars in taxes that happened six years ago.

Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out–much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past–the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

See also:

Jim Jordan Blasts DOJ Over Preferential Treatment for Hunter Biden, ‘That Is Just as Wrong as It Gets’

New Poll Shows Staggering ‘Wrong Track’ Number Under Joe Biden

Ted Cruz: Time to Impeach Biden, Evidence of Obstruction Against Garland


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