County leaders put Horseshoe control items on agenda

Johnson and Precinct 4 Commissioner Dianne Anderson have put items on the… 

County Judge Terry Johnson has said during radio interviews that the new Commissioners’ Court would be able to take some control back when it came to Horseshoe expenses in 2023.

That effort will start Monday.

Johnson and Precinct 4 Commissioner Dianne Anderson have put items on the Commissioners’ Court agenda related to Horseshoe processes. They are:

Agenda item 51. Discuss and take action on amendment of Public Events Management Contract dated September 6, 2018, by and between the County of Midland and Dooley Management Company limited solely to changing the words “County Judge” to “Commissioners Court” in the fourthparagraph on page 5.
Agenda item 52. Discuss and take action reaffirming County Judge’s responsibility of duties as listed in the contract between Midland County and DMC/Horseshoe Hospitality.

Item 51, put on the agenda by Anderson, calls for the cancellation of an amendment approved by the prior court in September 2020. The original Horseshoe contract gave the county judge sole authority to change the category of expenses in the Horseshoe marketing account. That court voted to modify that contract to change “county judge” to “Commissioners’ Court.” Agenda item 51 puts responsibility back into the judge’s budget as budget officer,” according to county agenda documents.

Item 52, calls on the Horseshoe operator to “notify the county judge of contracts before signing,” according to agenda documents. “The county judge has not designated an alternative as the contract states,” documents state. Johnson put this item on the agenda.

In August 2018, Midland County commissioners approved a contract for management of the Horseshoe complex through September 2024.

Dooley Management Co., which the county had hired to run the facility, was then sold to Joe Kelley, executive director of the complex at the time. The county judge at the time was Mike Bradford. Commissioners approved the contract after Terry Johnson had won the Republican nomination for the county judge’s seat. The GOP nomination virtually guaranteed him the position, and Johnson has said the five-year contract was to prevent him or any county leader from making any changes until 2024. The amendments, he has said, was to limit his ability as the chief executive of the county.

Last year, Anderson and Jeff Somers won seats to the court. Anderson ran specifically to make changes to the Horseshoe contract. The Horseshoe also was part of Somers’ campaign for the Commissioners’ Court.

Commissioners’ Court agenda

A meeting of the Commissioners Court will be held at 9 a.m. Monday in the Commissioners’ Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine St.

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiances.

4. Discuss and take action allowing new staff attorney to train under current staff attorney for month of February.

5. Discuss and take action on pay grade and step for County Court-at-Law bailiff.

6. Discuss and take action on Agreement for Current Mural Restoration in Midland County, Texas and payment to Calina Johnson.

7. Acknowledge Quarterly Reports for JP 2 & JP 4.

8. Discuss and take action on salary increase for Maritza Aime Carrasco, Kayla Faye Wilson, and Pamela Brown-Whitley for magistration duties and working holidays and weekends.

9. Discuss and take action on pay grade and step for two new hires for JP 3.

10. Conduct Public Hearing regarding the proposed approval of an agreement with Pioneer Hutt Wind Energy, LLC granting a tax abatement for future construction of a wind farm on property located in the Pioneer Hutt Renewable Project Reinvestment Zone.

11. Discuss and take action on approval of an agreement with Pioneer Hutt Wind Energy, LLC granting a tax abatement for future construction of a wind farm on property located in the Pioneer Hutt Renewable Project Reinvestment Zone.

12. Discuss and take action on HIDTA FY2023 Grant Application.

13. Discuss and take action on use of Horseshoe for Big Bend Area Law Enforcement Officers Association on February 8, 2023.

14. Discuss and take action on pay grade and step for Detention Maintenance position.

15. Acknowledge Sheriff’s Office Monthly Report for December 2022.

16. Conduct Public Hearing on possible placement of 4-Way Stop signs on CR 130 at CR 1180.

17. Discuss and take action on possible placement of 4-Way Stop signs on CR 130 at CR 1180.

18. Conduct Public Hearing reducing speed limit on CR 130 from 45 MPH to 35 MPH.

19. Discuss and take action reducing speed limit on CR 130 from 45 MPH to 35 MPH.

20. Discuss and take action on court minutes from January 4 & 9, 2023.

21. Discuss and take action on court fees for County and District Clerks’ Offices.

22. Discuss and take action on personnel memoranda.

23. Discuss and take action paying comp time over 60 hours.

24. Discuss and take action appointing Sick Leave Pool Administrator.

25. Discuss and take action appointing Commissioner to the Investment Committee per the investment policy.

26. Discuss and take action appointing Investment Officer.

27. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

28. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

29. Receive and acknowledge FY2022 GASB 75 Actuary Report of OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits).

30. Discuss and take action on Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Workforce Solutions Permian Basin.

31. Discuss and take action on donation in the amount of $1,000.00 from Rosalind Redfern Grover in memory of John and Rosalind Redfern.

32. Discuss and take action on Special Projects 75 2024 Mobile Skills Lab Grant application.

33. Acknowledge 4th Quarter Warrant Services Collections Report.

34. Discuss and take action on application of Office of the Texas Governor Grant for Specialized Advocacy for Commercially Sexually Exploited youth, FY 2024.

35. Acknowledge Summary of All Collections for Tax Office.

36. Discuss and take action on resolution for Grant #3640505 – Victim’s Assistance Grant.

37. Discuss and take action on CEO/Law Enforcement Certification and Assurance Form for Grant #3640505 – Victim’s Assistance Grant.

38. Discuss and take action on OOG Grant application #3640505 for Restitution Specialist.

39. Discuss and take action on out-of-state travel for Bonita Tribble, Whitney Garnett, and Lauren Gavin to attend NDAA Trial Advocacy Series Cross-Examination in Columbia, SC, April 30 – May 3, 2023.

40. Acknowledge Travelers Insurance property damage claim for roof hail damage to Midland County buildings that occurred May 2022.

41. Discuss and take action going out for RFP for Banking Services.

42. Discuss and take action going out for RFQ for Roof Engineering Services.

43. Discuss and take action on exterior ramp for Horseshoe Amphitheater.

44. Discuss and take action on purchase of security cameras for 509 Loraine.

45. Discuss and take action on purchase of John Deere 772 6WD Motor Grader for Road & Bridge.

46. Discuss and take action on purchase of Broce Broom for Road & Bridge.

47. Discuss and take action on Interlocal Cooperation Contract with Presidio County for 2022 TxCDBG Colonia Fund: Planning & Needs Assessment.

48. Discuss and take action on payment and agreement with Midland Chamber of Commerce for Star-Spangled Salute Event.

49. Discuss and take action appointing Dianne Anderson to the MOTRAN Alliance Board of Directors.

50. Discuss and take action appointing Dianne Anderson to the Museum of the Southwest Board of Trustees.

51. Discuss and take action on amendment of Public Events Management Contract dated September 6, 2018 by and between the County of Midland and Dooley Management Company limited solely to changing the words “County Judge” to “Commissioners Court” in 4th paragraph on page 5.

52. Discuss and take action reaffirming County Judge’s responsibility of duties as listed in the contract between Midland County and DMC/Horseshoe Hospitality.

53. Discuss and take action going out for RFP on design of Hike and Bike trail at Horseshoe.

54. Discuss and take action on purchase of ROW for future WCR 120.

55. Discuss and take action considering alternate ARPA funds spending plan.

56. Discuss and take action authorizing change order to LMC For IT modifications to the Visitation plan.

57. Discuss and take action on architectural due diligence related to Sheriff’s Office contract.

58. Discuss and take action authorizing Parkhill to perform water and sewer analysis at Sheriff’s Office property.

59. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

60. Discuss and take action on buy-sell agreement for Parsley Building with Pioneer.

61. Discuss and take action on Reasonable Suspicion Training.

62. Discuss and take action establishing ethics hotline for Midland County.

63. Discuss and take action amending Policy 11.04a – Use of Tools, Equipment, Property, and Vehicles.

64. Discuss and take action on Grant Writer position.

65. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters.

66. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with County Attorney regarding pending and prospective litigation and other matters.

67. Adjourn.


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