Cruz, Graham Put DHS Hack Mayorkas on Notice With Blistering ‘Grounds for Impeachment’ Letter

As we’ve seen from the outset of Alejandro Mayorkas’s catastrophic job as Secretary of Homeland Security, who among us would be surprised if we learned he was a Chinese or Russian agent? The question might be tongue-in-cheek, but how much of a stretch would it be?

As the Biden Border Crisis(TM) continues, with more than 8,000 illegal alien encounters daily, and untold numbers of “getaways” — along with massive shipments of deadly fentanyl — Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday fired off a scalding letter to the dangerously inept DHS head, warning they have “grounds for impeachment” if he fails to act swiftly in correcting his “gross dereliction of duty.”

In the letter, obtained by Fox News, Cruz and Graham cited data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) showing the border crisis has deteriorated since Mayorkas took office 19 months ago. I’d be remiss if I failed to stress that Biden intentionally started this whole mess nearly 21 months ago.

The senators encapsulated Mayorkas’s intentional failure in one scalding sentence:

Your failure to faithfully enforce this nation’s immigration laws and willful blindness to the very real humanitarian crisis at our southern border amounts to a gross dereliction of duty and a violation of your oath of office.

Cruz and Graham contrasted Mayorkas’s failure with the heroic work of Border Patrol agents:

Despite the heroic efforts by the men and women of Border Patrol, who operate with very little support from Washington, D.C., you have failed to achieve any semblance of operational control of the southern border.

“This is gross dereliction of duty and, if not corrected swiftly,” the senators wrote, “could provide grounds for impeachment.” Yet Mayorkas, like Biden, continues to lie.

As RedState reported in September, the DHS hack delusionally declared Biden is “doing so much” to “enforce the law” along the southern border; an insult to the intelligence of tens of millions of Americans who see through the ridiculous claim.

The degree of threat to the entire Biden administration if the GOP pulls off a trifecta over the next two years — recapture of both chambers of Congress and the White House — cannot be overstated. After Biden himself, Alejandro Mayorkas will be among the top targets of the Republicans, along with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Attorney General Merrick Garland for the crises they have wrought on this country.

Cruz and Graham Slam Mayorkas Over Fentanyl Crisis

The deadly Fentanyl crisis is America’s real pandemic, and it didn’t have to be this way. Cruz and Graham took Mayorkas to the woodshed over the out-of-control crisis. Fentanyl, which has become the leading cause of death of Americans ages 18 to 45, is “streaming across our southern border,” the senators wrote, noting that just last month 2,287 pounds of fentanyl were seized by CBP agents — enough to kill more than 500 million people.

Drug cartels produce bulk amounts of fentanyl in Mexico, noted Fox, using Chinese-supplied ingredients, and smuggling the drug across the U.S.-Mexico border, amounting to a multi-billion dollar business for transnational criminal organizations, who then launder the money out of the U.S. and back into China.

Cruz and Graham went strong:

This lucrative illicit enterprise continues to thrive — while Americans die — all because DHS has ceded control of our southern border to the cartels for political gain.

Speaking of “gross dereliction of duty,” failing to hold Joe Biden personally responsible for the Fentanyl crisis when (or if) Republicans regain the reins of power would be just that.

What About the Terrorists?

Cruz and Graham also warned Mayorkas that the southern border chaos “presents a prime opportunity for terrorists to enter the United States undetected,” especially following Biden’s “disastrous withdrawal” of U.S. troops from Afghanistan last year, noting that border patrol agents have apprehended at “least 78 individuals on the Terrorist Screening Database” so far in fiscal year 2022 — more than twice as many apprehended in the past five fiscal years combined.

It is a near certainty that terrorists have already entered the United States undetected, taking advantage of the lenient border policies you have put into place. It is only a matter of time before we will see an attack on American soil from such terrorists.

Finally, Cruz and Graham took a well-deserved shot at the “border czar” of border czars, Kamala Harris:

Vice President Harris apparently shares this same delusion. Perhaps if she or President Biden would visit the southern border and actually see the unending surge of illegal immigration, illicit drugs, and human suffering, the White House would feel differently.

Bingo — but it ain’t gonna happen.

The Bottom Line

With no disrespect to Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham, Biden and Harris would not feel differently about the intentionally-created border crisis if they visited the southern border, in the least.

Moreover, the precise reason they refuse to visit the border is that they know full well they’d be exposed for the liars they are, which would also further expose their politically expedient duplicity.


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