Dallas Bar Association hosts e-clinics in March


Volunteer attorneys will be available to answer legal questions on Wednesdays in March through the Dallas Bar Association’s LegalLine E-Clinic. The clinics, which run from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., are free of cost.

A volunteer attorney will call a participant for up to 15 minutes of legal advice. No attorney-client relationship will be established. Individuals may receive referrals to local, legal, or social service agencies.

Calls from the clinic will remain anonymous. Participants should expect a call from an unknown number labeled “No Caller ID” or something similar. To participate, an online form is available at https://tinyurl.com/DBALegalLine. Registration for e-clinics closes at noon on the Tuesday prior.

Clinics are scheduled for March 5, March 12, March 19, and March 26.

For more information, go to dallasbar.org/?pg=LawyerReferralService.


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