DART completes light-rail vehicle seat upgrades as part of larger modernization plan


The installation swapped old, fabric seats with new vinyl covers to help with customer comfort and vehicle cleanliness.

DALLAS — The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) upgraded the seats in their light-rail vehicle fleet from old, faded fabric to newer vinyl seat covers. The agency also installed the new seating on four Dallas Streetcar vehicles. 

Crews finished installing new seating on the last train on June 19. The upgrade comes less than a week before Independence Day celebrations across the city.

“We challenged our contractor to accomplish this task before the Fourth of July when people are using DART to get to fireworks shows, family barbeques and other fun events around the area, so getting it done quickly and effectively is icing on the cake,” said Marvin Hurt, assistant vice president of fleet engineering. 

The project began in early 2024 when a single pilot train was outfitted with the new seats. Customer feedback through an in-vehicle survey said the seats felt cleaner, more hygienic and made the interior of the vehicle more interesting, according to DART.

Since then, DART refurnished more than 16,000 seats on 158 vehicles, some of which have been in service for over 25 years.

Darryl Spencer, vice president of engineering and technical services development, said the seating upgrades were a top priority for DART after the pandemic. He said the vinyl surfaces will be easier to keep clean and sanitary.

“Being able to improve the look and feel of some of our oldest vehicles as we prepare to introduce new ones into light-rail service in the next few years is a win-win for everyone,” Spencer said.

The seat upgrade is part of DART’s Systems Modernization Plan, which aims to help the agency’s goals of “providing a quality customer experience, creating seamless travel experiences, and delivering fantastic spaces that add value to the community.”

Future plans include purchasing new light-rail vehicles and buses to upgrade and modernize other DART transit. The agency will also update seating on five additional decommissioned trains to maintain spare seats and parts for any future repairs and necessary replacements.

To learn more about DART or plan your next trip online, please visit www.dart.org.

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